What game are you playing?
Games in your Collection

What game are you playing?

As in what themes are you self leading your thoughts & actions with??

Have you become a master of playing your own games?

In these games, there are symptoms?that become part of our Modus Operandi which are our 'go to' behaviours.

Games of Distraction ~ Self Sabotage ~ Not Belonging


  • Procrastinate or become evasive around decisions
  • Lack vitality & the energy to complete priorities & tasks on time
  • Wearing your 'Busy-ness' as a personal Badge of Honour


  • Consistently striving for Perfection
  • Controlling or Micro Managing scenarios -
  • Avoiding people & things that make ununcomfortable


  • Telling ourselves we don't fit in...or at worst you believe you are the weird one?!
  • What we have to say is not valuable
  • Comparing ourselves with others. Everyone else are more popular and making more progress

Do you have a favourite game in the hard drive of your brain?

The truth is, as humans, we play games that work perfectly to secure the results, outcomes and impact we get.

We focus on any and all the evidence that proves the stories we tell ourselves to be 100% true. Add that, as humans, we are wired towards a negative bias.

We subconsciously lean towards

  • Recalling insults better than praise.
  • Think about negative things more frequently than positive ones & hold onto them for longer
  • Respond more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones.

Imagine the energy and time we could save if we mastered our own thinking!

Games of Resistance ~ Over Thinking ~ Staying Stuck

Game of what we THINK

Self awareness will prove that we become the Game of what we THINK

Our thinking & our beliefs structure our perceptions.

Our perceptions become our projections into the world around us.


We can save ourself a vast amount of energy & time using simple techniques.

  1. Pause to check in with our thinking to reset
  2. Be intentional around the outcomes & impact we want
  3. Choose our habits to give us the best chance of winning any day.


The harder we fight or avoid stuff, the stronger those nudge us.

Resistance or denial keep us stuck digging deeper into a cave.

What you resist persists means that resisting change can lead to the persistence of circumstances you want to escape. If you resist leaving an unhealthy relationship, you continue to remain in the relationship. If you resist applying to a job you want, you will stay stuck in a job you don't like.

Challenges are disguised gifts.

Instead of ignoring those nudges, we can embrace them by being willing to explore the lessons. Those gifts are where we elevate our growth.

Healing, growth and success are not about resisting behaviours but rather a question of expanding our behavioural choices.


When i moved hemispheres 8 years ago to fulfil a family adventure - i experienced situations where I played the Game of Not Belonging - BIG time.

I created confusion & complexity for myself which impacted my vitality & wasted precious time & energy whilst i was reorienting my world.

I updated the rules of that game by aligning myself to one of my intrinsic values : Connection.

The new rules i adopted for my updated version of my Belonging Game had multiple dimensions and strategies focussing on Connection.

It meant prioritising my 3 pillars

  1. Wellness & Vitality
  2. Relationships?with Loved ones - Family / Friends / Peers / Community
  3. Authentic Self Leadership

Connection?is the breading ground of heart led human design - for love, compassion and intentional legacies everyday.

Create Choices

What we experience is simply what we choose to be experiencing through our thinking and feelings. We can make the best choices available given our resources & wisdom to meet ourselves exactly were we are - in the NOW.

Develop perspective

It's all in our minds.

Changing your thoughts, will change your life.

You can't move forward for when you think you can't move forward.

When you look at things from a different perspectives, we evolve our thinking. Avoid playing any Game of Staying Stuck by resisting broadening our menu of choice and perspective.

Everyday is like a puzzle, every piece is an important part of the game we are playing.

When you change your thoughts, you can form new pathways in the brain which will, in turn, change your experience of your everyday.

Is there a game that you are playing - is there a situation that you have experienced where you intentionally chose to rewrite the rules??

Here for when you are ready. ??

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Sarah / B x

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#perspective #choices #thoughts #connection #selfleadership

Christine Jull ?

Executive Coach | Catalyst for Progressive Technology Leaders to transform tired ?? into daily flow and connection ? | Dynamic and Mindful Leadership & Business Vitality

11 个月

You are indeed the game changer Sarah Linton ???



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