What game are you playing?…. reassessing our priorities
Trish Favretto-Dicer FAC FIML
EXECUTIVE COACH-MENTOR | Leadership & Mindset | CAREER Coach-Strategist | Passionate about Wellbeing for Leaders | Supporting KIND & Positive Workplaces | Collective Wellbeing |...and a Yoga Teacher
At my class yesterday, my Yoga teacher said something that totally resonated with me and certainly reflected what I’m hearing from many of my clients, friends and family. She said something along the lines of “all the events that have occurred over the summer have unlocked something within many of us – and we are reassessing what really matters in our lives”.
I’ve heard many stories in just the past fortnight that certainly makes this statement ring true. Furthermore, most of us are not returning to work ‘refreshed’ and ready to fully engage in the year ahead….
Perhaps it’s time to revisit our truths and our own realities - the way we live, the way we work, the way we connect with others and the relationship with have with the Earth. Whether your contributions are large or small, we all have a role to play and truly live out our full potential with grace and in truth. To listen to the rhythms within us – our own life cycles, that of those around us and that of the environment. We all have choices and we need to embrace the power we have to exercise those choices and understand the consequences. For too long, many of us have relinquished our power and responsibilities to take the easier path. To be part of a life game that rewards power, greed and status – as NZ academic Nicki Harre calls it…the Finite Game!
Leaders have a huge social responsibility to be kind, work collaboratively; to ensure everyone working for you is working at their best, with purpose and an ability to have a balanced work/life existence where life milestones, tragedies, health/wellbeing and organisational goals can be complementary rather than at odds with each other.
Our challenge - support each others’ visions to create a better reality….live with integrity and grace in our hearts and minds. Ensure our children have a future, one that is joyous….My wish for you all in 2020.
(If I can support you in any way – to build more positive workplace culture or to build capability through coaching and mentoring, please feel welcome to be in touch on 0411 626 549, [email protected].) #leadership #whatreallymatters #positiveorganisations #kindleaders #careforeachother #