What is GA4 Google Analytics update and guide
Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the most recent version of the software, was released in October and is scheduled to go live on July 4 of 2022. Standard Universal Analytics will stop processing data as of July 1, 2023, making GA4 your default analytics platform.
Even while it might seem far off, it will be extremely advantageous to get set up on GA4 before this date. A solid grasp of the platform before earlier incarnations are terminated will be vital to remain ahead of the curve since many regular reports and metrics will be missing or altered when you initially log on. Additionally, it will provide you enough time to gather data for GA4 without losing any from your current accounts.
We've put together this useful guide to help you learn everything you need to know about the update, including why it's taking place, how it will improve your organisation, and best practices for transitioning.
GA4: What is it?
The most recent version of the Google Analytics platform, known as GA4, will be the standard as of July 1, 2023. After this date, you will still be able to access and use the previous platform, but new data will only be accessible through GA4.
Technically speaking, GA4 still makes use of the gtag.js package but adds a new measurement model called "Event+Parameter." The Google Analytics platforms GA2 and GA3 were both included in Universal Analytics.
The change also aligns with Google's acceptance of the new cookieless environment, which provides a much more flexible method of gauging engagement whether or not identifiers or cookies are used. Machine learning, which is intended to fill in the gaps where user consent is not provided for tracking, will be used to offset this decreased reliance on cookies.
How would GA4 help my company?
Here are seven reasons why using the most recent Google Analytics platform will make data tracking easier and more interactive.
How do I begin using GA4?
The upgrade will be accessible to everyone already utilising a Universal Analytics account as of July 4, 2022. Since your current account won't be affected until July 1, 2023, data will continue to flow through it as usual. As a result, a new property will be created, which you can access through your Universal Analytics account. Similar to that, Firebase Analytics accounts (used by apps) will also be upgraded automatically.
Since language and labelling will frequently change, it is crucial that development teams for e-commerce websites update their transaction data layers. As an illustration, the data layer parameters formerly known as "impression" or "product" have been combined into "items."
By using Google Tag Manager to install GA4 ID, create GA4 properties, and migrate your current GA4 goals from Universal Analytics, Digital Wolf (DW) the best digital marketing agency can help.