What is the future of attending online events?
This is a really good question and I don't have all the answers. Who knows. A lot depends on what happens in terms of COVid19- second wave, and depends on where you are reading this as some parts of the globe have handled COVid19 differently to others. I was discussing with one of my annual members last night whose in Germany and it seems Germany is closer to some sense of normality. It may take the UK significantly longer and this will mean that online events have a longer life in the UK. Online events are not new.
I just did some brief research on google about when the first online event took place.
This is what came up on Wikipedia.
Virtual events started to become increasingly popular during the late-2000s recession as they offered an economically and environmentally effective way to bring thousands of attendees to an event from around the globe.[7] In some cases, traditional physical events now offer a parallel virtual component – creating a 'hybrid event'.
So online events are not significantly new. There is a significant difference though between right now and pre COVid19. Some event organisers were quick to respond and some waited. I have to admit I was in the camp- lets do something now. In fact, just after the physical summit-The Commercial Summit- Saturday 7th March which I organised, I attended the Short Term Show- and read about a post online session- and thought it was a good idea. The exhibitors of the Commercial Summit were up for it- I did get a good response, although some people missed the event- and asked if we could repeat it- which we did on Monday 30th March. Since then we have been going live every Monday Morning.
Just before Monday 30th March, I added an evening event- just like my usual evening events- except virtual- my evening events normally take place on the fourth Thursday of the month.
I've already discussed in a previous article about my journey into May - when I added a second event titled "Property Happy Hour"- which is a great event.
Running the Monday Morning sessions and keeping an eye on UK Government News, with the relaxation of the lockdown, I have considered what is the next stage for my online events.
Do I continue running the Monday Morning events, the Friday Property Happy Hour and the Thursday Evening Event (once a month).
Possibly if I could sit on a beach, and just be on wifi; maybe I would continue. This isn't the case unfortunately.
Running a number of volume events, even though I have run events over the last decade; takes dedication- commitment. Commitment to bringing you the best speakers/panellists out there and sometimes you need a break.
So I have reviewed the events calendar, and moved the Friday Property Happy Hour to a biweekly event, giving myself some rest time- I love the Friday show though- and would have preferred weekly- as I don't see anything quite like it on Friday.
Regarding the Monday Morning events, Monday was a game changer. Attendees could vote on the topic for Monday 15th June (via zoom software). Was it biased. Yes, I had to put the topics into zoom; for attendees to decide, nonetheless its one of the more interesting parts of zoom.
So what is the future of the Monday Events. This coming Monday (1st June) will be our 10th Monday and the focus is on Retail, and it will be the first week for a month that I've gone down to one event a week; not quite- I am sure I will still be on instagram- although hosting a live on instagram- to myself is a very different experience than a Friday zoom call.
In fact its one thing I have increased recently- instagram live- I am not a lover of adding pictures onto instagram- on the other hand I am a lover of communicating via video- and only discovered this technology during lockdown- not instagram, nor instagram live, bringing in guests from outside.
So what is the future of going live every Monday Morning and at the same time running a Friday Afternoon Show (biweekly), plus a Thursday Evening Event (once a month). I would say long term its unlikely.
Going online and running events - likely-who knows if there will be a second or third wave. I have reached an audience wider in terms of geographical spread than I could possibly imagine. Reducing the activity to biweekly/monthly is more likely. I remember four years ago I was running events every week in a physical setting and its tough- where do you find the speakers/panellists for example- of course it depends on your format. Personally I like events- where I am going to learn something- so prefer bringing in guests.
I rarely write blog posts, I heard from one seo expert, Neil Patel to focus on writing 3 blog posts a week. I have to admit I haven't managed one a week, let along three a week; although its interesting to be able to express your views.
So in summary, I've learnt its key to manage your diary, and take advantage of technology- ie using zoom polls etc; and plan even when the softening is lifted so events can take place in hotels to continue with a digital footprint.
Will attendees be interested in a digital event going forward, who knows?
So what is my plan longer term, to continue going digital with at least one event a month, possibly more, possibly a morning event; and the Friday Property Show. The Friday Property Show format is not new- I've seen others do similar things- in fact a couple of years back - we were going live via Facebook (group format) about three/four times a year. I learnt its great to have Property Professionals surround you. I let this slip in 2019, and have brought this back in 2020.