What is the function of the saturation bucket of the salt spray testing machine?

What is the function of the saturation bucket of the salt spray testing machine?

The main function of the pressure bucket of the salt spray testing machine is to heat compressed air to prevent sudden temperature fluctuations and instability caused by cold air entering the laboratory. According to the normal standard, the proportion of saline water is 5%. A pressure bucket designed for water and gas mixing reduces the concentration of saline water to around 3% after the experiment. And the pressure bucket is filled with water frequently. Basically, around 48 hours, water needs to be replenished into the pressure bucket. The heated water in the pressure bucket is carried out by compressed air and mixed with saltwater. This leads to the problem of fast consumption of pressure bucket water and a decrease in salt water concentration. This design also has certain unsafe factors. According to the salt spray test standard, the spray pressure is 1kg/cm2, and the single sectional area of the pressure drum is at least 350 cm2, that is, the pressure on a single surface of the pressure drum is more than 350kg. There is a certain risk of the gas explosion. The pressure bucket is prone to malfunctions, such as water leakage, leakage, and abnormal water levels.

Our pressure drum has the same design structure as all domestic companies, with compressed air directly entering the drum, mixed with water and then sprayed through a nozzle. Later, many customers reported that they could pass the salt spray test in China, but once they arrived abroad, they could not pass the customer's inspection. Our company conducted extensive research based on the customer's feedback and found that the design of similar equipment abroad is completely different from that in China. They do not have pressure buckets.

Our company has made corresponding improvements based on the above shortcomings. Change the pressure bucket from the original water vapor mixing design to a water vapor separation design. They are improved from mixed heating to isolated heating. Compressed air is heated in hot water through a capillary tube. The advantages of this improved design are very obvious. The concentration of saline water decreases slightly, and the laboratory temperature remains stable. The pressure bucket no longer needs to be frequently filled with water (almost no water is added), so there is no need to worry about the pressure bucket being short of water during the experiment and causing the experiment to stop. The pressure bucket no longer bears strong pressure and may experience problems such as gas explosion or water leakage. And the service life is greatly extended. Most domestic and foreign standards do not specify the design method for pressure drums. The main function of a pressure bucket is also to maintain the stability of the laboratory temperature, and meeting the above requirements is considered qualified.

Salt spray test chamber

60L Salt spray test chamber
120 LSalt spray test chamber


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