What Fruit Is Your Tree Producing?
Wes- Schaeffer
12 Weeks To Peak Founder | Human-2-Human Sales | Keynote Speaker | Creator CRMQuiz.com | AF Vet | BJJ Brown Belt
From today’s reading...
“...it was decided that Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others
should go up to Jerusalem to the Apostles and presbyters
about this question.”
Who’s part of your Inner Circle?
Who makes up your Board of Advisors?
How was it formed?
On whose authority does it function?
On what principles was it built?
What—or who—is its cornerstone?
Abraham was an old dude. Moses was a hot head and a stutterer. David was a lowly shepherd boy who couldn’t control his hormones. Peter was another who could not control his temper—and he was boastful. Saul was willing to kill anyone who didn’t practice his religion.
“Wow Wes, what a great foundation. Not!”
You sound a little judgemental and maybe a tad arrogant with that statement, my friend.
Judge a tree by the fruit it produces (over thousands of years) despite being filled with knuckleheads, rapscallions, and sinners because following the guidance of such a fruitful tree is the best way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.
Now go sell something.