What is Free Will?
Most people have misunderstood what FREE WILL represents in this reality.
The common misconception is that Free Will grants us the ability to control and decide every aspect of our lives.
It is a flawed belief.
Here is the TRUE PURPOSE of Free Will on Earth:
1) To allow us to CHOOSE how we respond to life's circumstances.
Here is where our Divine Sovereignty lies. We are not able to control what happens to us, but we ALWAYS have the power to choose our response.
It is in this power to respond that we are AS POWERFUL AS GOD.
This choice shapes our character, our growth, and our spiritual destiny.
Remember that we are here on Earth to learn NOT to change the world, but to change OURSELVES.
The ONLY WAY to do this is through the use of free will to make DIVINE choices, across different situations
2) To enable us to surrender to the Divine Will.
The HIGHEST expression of free will is the conscious choice to align ourselves with the divine plan.
This is an active, free-willed consent to let God's Will be manifested in our lives.
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." (Luke 22:42 - teared on this)
In this, Yeshua shows us the highest use of Free Will - using it to choose to align with God even in the face of great difficulty and pain.
After we have mastered these two aspects of free will
ONLY THEN can we BEGIN to use our free will to choose and shape our reality.
This is because at this new stage, our choices, guided by spiritual wisdom (1st) and in alignment with divine will (2nd)
Will then be high enough in vibration to call on Divine Energy (or Holy Spirit) to move mountains in our lives.