What is Fraud? Application of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Forensic Audit can help organizations save millions and billions of dollars.
Vanel Beuns
My Leadership Legacy as a Stellar Servant and Transformational Leader with a Strategic Human-centric Approach, translating vision into Bold Action and Transforming Global Challenges into Great Opportunities.
Is your organization at risk? Find out how Smart Application of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Forensic Audit can help organizations save millions and billions of dollars? What is the true definition of fraud, abuse, systemic risks, and multinational corruption? What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?
What is Fraud? About Corruption and Systemic Risks? The TOP 50 GLOBAL CHALLENGES and HIGH RISKS for 2023: - From Fraud to Organizational Waste, Abuse, and Corruption risks. - From organizational systemic risks to incompetency and lack of internal controls. - From Policies to lack of strategic data-driven processes to ensure good governance and best business practices. - From Climate Change, Climate Finance, and Climate Challenge to Strategic Intelligence. - From the Protection of Marine Ecosystems to the Implementation and Execution of the Commitment to transition away from all fossil fuels. - From COP28 to Global multi-Trillion-dollar in Debt, Transparency of climate action and the Global Goal on Adaptation, Climate Finance, Carbon Pricing, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Biodiversity. - From Policy to Digital Divide and Skills Gaps, lack of technological expertise in forensic auditing to eliminate fraud, and corruption. - From Digital Assets to Cybersecurity Risks in central bank digital currency (CBDC), and lack of expertise in financial technology (FinTECH). - From lack of hands-on experience in global financial integrated systems to safeguard of the global financial systems, and lack of knowledge necessary in digital infrastructure, macroeconomic and financial development data analytics to transform global challenges into great opportunities.?Is technology a game changer? Do METRICS matter? How to assess competence, and measure competencies?
The Future of Work, Predictions, and the 2024 Accurate Forecasts: - A Global Executive and Leadership Search across the globe for the right FIT talented and experienced EXPERTS with the right skills sets, digital growth mindset, technological prowess, and extraordinary leadership competencies necessary to mitigate risks, eliminate fraud, streamline inefficient processes, and transform multinational challenges into great opportunities.
Is Your Dream to Become a billionaire in 2024? The fastest PATH to Global Executive and Leadership Career Success. Relax and learn more from the right talented, skilled, accomplished, seasoned, and experienced EXPERTS on how Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI), and OpenAI's ChatGPT will generate the Next Generation of highly talented C-suite Executives, business leaders, and corporate board of directors with digital acumen and stamina.
Looking forward to the 2024 Year Ahead, there is no doubt that cutting-edge and emerging technologies, such as cognitive artificial intelligence (AI), RPA, and OpenAI's ChatGPT can help highly talented C-level managers and C-suite executives write lines of code, and better code. The bot is currently making the process easier to develop software and putting programmers on edge.
Is Your Organization at RISK? Find out how leverage technologies and harness generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Solving Problems and Innovating Bold Solutions: A C-suite Executive’s Guide to Mitigating Risks, Streamlining Inefficient Processes, and Transforming Global Challenges into Great Opportunities. - by a successful global subject matter expert (GSME), inspirational, servant and thoughtful leader, risk data-driven tech-savvy, and consummate public servant with hands-on digital expertise, skills set, growth mindset, cleverness, acumen, stamina, and extraordinary leadership competencies in highly complex business operations.
What is Digital Leadership? Multinational organizations, multilateral institutions, and global business companies face highly complex problems, issues, and global challenges. As technologies are evolving at a fast pace, there are many new sets of expectations from stakeholders, including consumers, customers, employees, and investors. I proudly embark on a scientific journey to continue making a positive difference in people's lives while building a prosperous world for all.
As a global subject matter expert (GSME) with world-class experience, digital acumen, stamina, cleverness, and hands-on expertise in global business operations, I am a firm believer in Bold Action to drive Bold Solutions. What is the C-suite? About the role, duty, and responsibility of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO)? Who are responsible for assessing, overseeing, measuring, monitoring and mitigating organizational systemic risks? What is the Fiduciary Duty of the Corporate Board of Directors? Is your organization at risk?
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Solving Problems: A C-suite Executive’s Guide to Transforming Global Challenges into Great Opportunities. Beyond eloquent speeches and above ambitious ideas, there is factual evidence.
Is Your Organization at Risk? This is the FACT in the Digital Age of Change:
1) Investors expect new sources of growth and better margins.
2) Customers will leverage generative AI (GenAI) in their daily lives — and expect C-level managers, C-suite executives, business leaders and board of directors to deliver great outputs and achieve sustainable quality results.
3) Highly talented employees, visionaries, innovators, problem-solvers, critical thinkers, strategic data-driven decision makers, and highly experienced professionals will leave organizations without a Corporate Human-centric Culture of Trust, Respect and Collaboration to facilitate executives and leadership career advancement.
4) Will Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) be replacing the Chief Human Resources and Human Capital Officer (CHR/HCO). Can Generative AI perform better in saving organizations millions and billions of dollars?
Learn more from the right global subject matter experts about the main challenges for C-level managers and C-suite executives to identify where and how generative Artificial Intelligence fits into existing and future organizational operating models. Ask the right skilled, experienced and talented experts on how to experiment productively with GenAI, and how to prepare organizations for the longer-term disruptions and opportunities resulting from GenAI technology trends.
The Gap in Management, Leadership, and Policy Making for incorporating insights from behavioral science and strategic intelligence. Is Your Organization at Risk? What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?
In 2023, discover the world's TOP highest-paid executive jobs. The annual salary can be from $ 10 million to $ 500 million plus benefits: Chief Future Officer (CFO), Chief Transformation and Strategic Officer (CTSO), and Chief IT Human Capital Officer (CHCO) with extraordinary leadership digital competencies.
Those executives must demonstrate exceptional leadership expertise in corporate human-centric digital strategy, hands-on and world-class experience in data analytics, with firsthand knowledge of Behavioral Science, and advanced emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, RPA, RMA, CRM, Machine learning, Blockchain, ChatGPT, ChatBOT, and Management of digital Transformation. Furthermore, those executives must have excellent skills and abilities with outstanding academic background, including Master, MBA and PhD in Digital Finance, Behavioral Economics, Psychology of Decision-making, Computer Science, Emerging Technologies, Digital Engineering and Ecosystem, Algorithms, and Math (STEM).
Does your organization have an annual strategic plan? Who is responsible for implementing and executing this corporate strategic plan? What is the role of C-level managers, C-suite executives, and board of directors in the implementation and execution of the corporate strategic plan? What is benchmarking? About Brainstorming? How to assess competencies and measure performance?
In 2023, many multinational organizations, multilateral institutions, and global multi-billion-dollar business companies are reshaping and re-engineering their organizational model, culture, and structure to maximize employee engagement and optimize customer experience (CX). They are currently attracting and hiring the right skilled and talented Chief Future Officer (CFO), Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Chief Transformation and Digital Officer (CTDO). Those C-suite executives will focus on hiring the right talented high-tech experts to innovate bold solutions, turn ideas into insights, and transform challenges into great financial, scientific, and economic opportunities.
Organizational model, culture and structure for the Future of Work in the disruptive era of emerging technologies and hybrid work environment. The Chief Future Officer (CFO) will assess executive competencies, bridge digital skills gaps, and oversee the performance of board of directors.
Learn from a successful High-Tech expert with world-class experience about the critical importance of Behavioral Science in Digital Transformation. How to bridge executive digital skills gaps and close digital divide in the digital age of change?
?As technologies are evolving at a fast pace, many organizations are restructuring to attract, hie and retain the right talented C-level managers and C-suite executives with the right skillset and digital mindset. Many organizations prefer a Chief Future Officer holding a Master, MBA, PHD in Advanced Science, Emerging Technologies, Digital Engineering, Algorithms, and Math (STEM) demonstrating technological prowess, extraordinary leadership digital competencies, strategic intelligence, and growth mindset.
How to assess the Gap in Management, Leadership, and Policy Making for incorporating insights from behavioral science and strategic intelligence? How to close digital divide, and how to bridge executive digital skills gaps?
As a former professor of Psychology, I proudly embrace Behavioral Science, also known as Behavioral Economics or Behavioral Insights. How to assess global competencies of global business executives in Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology? Should global executives demonstrate mastery in organizational behavior across countries, cultures and industries?
What is the list of the TOP most in-demand skills, abilities and leadership digital competencies required and necessary for the role of C-level managers, C-suite executives and board of directors in the digital age of constant change? How important is Behavioral Science to lead global business operations and strategies in today's increasingly interconnected data-driven agile and dynamic world?