What are the Four Phases? Which one are you at? (4-1)
Erwin Jack
Project Finance Readiness Consulting for Prime Projects | $100M to $5B+ | Multi-Use Real Estate, Oil and Gas, Infrastructure, and More
Four Business Phases -- What to Expect
Phase 1
The first phase takes place in the first 30 to 90 days. This is thinking:
? If I could find a few large clients that have large spend categories.
? I will recruit a lot of salespeople, team people, and the business will just roll in.
? I can wait for the business, because this is such a great concept – the business will just come to me!
? This will be easy!
? Every business will sign up!
People who start, who have never been in business, are usually driven by excitement. The excitement is good and is important. Some will prospect and recruit and sell clients because of this excitement, only to find that some of these prospects are not the type of clients they want and the team they recruited are not who they really want on their team.
Phase 2
In the second phase, which takes place after 60 to 90 days, some begin to realize that finding a certain number of people is not the answer.
It's all about developing clients, employees, and team members – PEOPLE. This is where most people quit, because they realize this takes work and personal development. Most people have lost focus on the long term (being money focused and not value focused), they think, "I have not earned a lot of money". This is where you must find out why each prospect wants to become a client, are the clients you have the types of clients you want to keep finding, and are the team members/sales people you recruited building your business in the manner you have planned for?
Some of the thoughts at this stage are:
? I have spent some of my time recruiting those who do not do anything after they become a part of the team. I must not have what it takes. I must figure this business out.
? I should quit, because I have only found a few clients.
? The amount of income I have made in proportion to the time spent has not been worth the effort.
? I will never retire from this business if I must always market, sell, promote, prospect, and recruit.
Those who make it through the second phase realize that they have gotten plugged into a team, leaders, and a system that works! The most effective systems are the ones that find emotional reasons within their prospects, clients, and team members. This is the why behind the goals.
In other words, when you ask someone why they responded to your offer, or that they would like to join your team, the person will tell you many things. Whatever they tell you is their goals. You cannot provide anyone their goals! Goals are an individual’s driving force and People need to have goals in order to succeed, whether it is a client who wants to reduce their expenses and improve their business or a team member who wants to earn a nice income working for a great company and team.
Phase 3
In the third phase, prospecting, promoting, marketing, selling, and recruiting become a rhythm.
Confidence begins to emerge. The difference between dollar focused and value focused is learned. This phase takes place from about 120 days to 1 year.
In this phase, frustration begins to set in, which drives them to the next and final phase. Their thoughts go something like this:
? My prospecting, promoting, marketing, selling, and recruiting are not hard. It is natural.
? I understand that these things are only the beginning. Developing relationships with my long-term clients, mentoring my team, and leading my employees are the answer.
? I am tired of some of my clients that waste a lot of time with little money – I want to find more clients like the clients I have where things go smoother, the business relationship is reciprocal, and the profit is on the higher end for less time spent supporting. Also, I only want to recruit those who want to work, earn great income, and take care of people.
? I would not have wasted my time with so and so if I knew they were not going to do anything.
Phase 4
In the fourth phase, team players are professionals in this industry.
They exhibit a unique difference between prospecting and recruiting. Almost everyone they recruit goes to work and produces. The predominant attitudes with the professional are:
? I enjoy qualifying people.
? Enrolling and selling people the right way provides rewards beyond comprehension. I will not waste my time chasing people. My clients and prospects must qualify before I will spend my time working with them.
? I require prospects to sell me on them before I decide to conduct work for them as my client. I truly enjoy helping people get out of their terrible situations.
The above attitude can be seen in every top money earner with every company.
Some of you are wondering, "How do I get to the fourth phase?"
It is not difficult, but it takes work. If you use the system we have provided, focus on your goals, and learn through the process, you will find the answers about how to develop relationships with the right people over time.
It is a numbers game.
Do not let anyone lie to you. You need to be consistent like any business to succeed. You need a daily plan of action that you carry out every single day, every week, every month, and every year.
People are busy.
People have problems (what I call opportunities where you listen, decipher the person’s pain, and offer a solution that helps them). You must show people that YOU can be trusted before they will become a client. This all takes time, emails, leaving messages on their voice mail, and any other methods of follow up.
When a person says “no”, do not give up, unless they are adamant about not wanting to do business with you or you know that this is not a client you want.
You must find your why.
Your why will carry you through the times ahead so that you stay focused and on track.
How big will you grow your business in 12 months? It is dependent on how hard you work, how consistent you are, and if you utilize our system. Let's apply the 80/20 rule. This is where 20% of your people will do 80% of your work, volume, and income. Let's take away 80% of the people above. This statistic is applicable to your prospecting, marketing, selling, clients, recruiting team members, and your team’s activities.
Where do you want to be in one year? Write down your goal and pay the price.
If you get this, you will be 80% there.
This means you must be consistent over the next 12 to 60 months with buying appointments and leads, using the system, and communications.
How Can We Serve You Today?!
?Above the Standard
"Increase Profits, Reduce Cost"
Erwin Jack | [email protected] | https://www.AboveTheStandard.net
About Above the Standard
Above the Standard has global experience empowering and changing the lives for many executives, leaders, and organizations in more than 100 nations, having increased profits in the tens of billions of dollars, with sustainable outcomes.
Above the Standard is a dedicated and highly motivated leader and executive with more than 30 years global Business, Training, Strategic, Procurement, Finance, and Leadership experience in many different industries, from small to Fortune MNC’s.