What is ‘FORO’ in Retirement?

What is ‘FORO’ in Retirement?

What could be scarier than death?

According to recent data- its actually running out of money in retirement.

Forbes Magazine notes that in the world’s largest developed economy- the United States, running out of money in the future is the number one financial fear. It is also felt locally in Australia as a common fear experienced by retirees, with AMP’s Financial Wellness research finding that half of surveyed Australians are concerned they won’t have enough retirement funds.

This phenomenon is known as Fear of Running Out (or ‘FORO’).

This name may invoke images of panic buying at supermarkets during the Covid pandemic or images of people prepping and hoarding food supplies in the event of major catastrophe. But in this context- it instead relates to the idea of running out of money or financial resources in retirement, and the emotional response to this.

What are the consequences of FORO?

The Australian Government’s Retirement Income Review observed that many retirees in response to FORO will reduce the amount of income they draw off their superannuation savings to the absolute minimum to make funds last longer. This means retirees can end up focussing on a frugality mindset- with restricted spending used as a hedge against running out of funds. However, after years of hard work and sacrifice- underspending savings leads to a lower income over retirement and impacts the quality of life of retirees in this increasingly large chapter of life.

Fear of running out can also cause retirees to adopt an overly conservative approach to their savings and superannuation investments. Making financial decisions on the back of emotional response can lead to outcomes not in one’s own long term best interest and this can be the case here. Unfortunately, an overly conservative investment approach also can result in stubbornly low returns over time and/or fearful and detrimental responses to market downturns. This self-defeating behaviour can lead to retirement investments not keeping pace with costs of living increases over time and a nest egg can reduce at an accelerated rate- running out faster.

Some retirees are also passing on significant retirement savings to the next generation in addition to other assets such as housing. Leaving a legacy is of course itself commendable– however the Retirement Income Review noted this is not the overarching intention of the retirement system. It could mean that a restricted lifestyle is lived by the retiree with enjoyment and opportunities foregone unnecessarily- only to sometimes provide large financial windfalls to already independent and financially comfortable adult children.

Overall, living with a source of fear or stress can have a negative impact on your mental health and general health. If sources of financial stress like FORO are not property addressed this can also lead to conflict in relationships with your spouse and/ or family and these are consequences nobody wants.


What can be done to address FORO?

Start Earlier

If you are still working- you can reduce this fear by saving for retirement earlier. This will involve forgoing some consumption during the working years and as with all types of voluntary saving, there needs to be a trade-off. However, using sensible strategies and the magic of compounding returns- starting earlier can help to increase the likelihood of future retirement savings going the distance.

Have a Plan

Another thing people can do to address their fear of running out of money in the future is to build a plan to address retirement.?This includes considering the best timing to enter retirement, the lifestyle desired in retirement and the financial strategies required to support that lifestyle. ?It has been observed that people with a financial plan are twice as confident as those without one. There is a lot to be gained by making smart choices around the big decisions you’ll face and this process can help to alleviate fear.

Get Expert Advice

FORO can be caused by a lack of knowledge and understanding of financial matters relevant to retirement. Evolving rules impacting superannuation and Age Pension entitlements, coupled with the complexity of retirement products- mean a financial adviser is a valuable partner in the lead up to and through retirement. Clients working with a financial adviser get educated and start taking control of their finances. Which is why AMP’s Financial Wellness research reports Australians who are fortunate to have access to a financial adviser are less likely to be suffering from FORO.

At Chapters Retirement Partners- we help clients to plan ahead to avoid FORO or to address the FORO they may already be experiencing. Afterall, to live in fear is to not to live at all…


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