What They Forgot to Teach You at School
Aman Kumar (.
Writer | Photographer | Social Entrepreneur | Lifelong Learner | Social Activist | LiFE Explorer
We all humans participate in many common activities or phases of life regardless of our cast, country, language and other demographic and one of them is schools. We must have spent an inordinate amount of time in school. We most likely completed our homework (HW) and classwork (CW). Along the process, we undoubtedly learned fascinating facts about mathematics formulas, historical war dates, glacier erosion, chemical reactions, Middle Ages history, and foreign language tenses.
But, despite all of the lessons we've learned, Why were we never taught the truly significant aspects of our lives that control and concern us? how to start a relationship, how to trust people, how to properly understand one's psyche, how to move on from pain or betrayal, how to deal with fear and humiliation and many more.
Education, In the 21st century, has been treated with so much seriousness very first time in human history that we have so many resources engaged for the production of the next generation minds. One fact that is worth paying attention to is - In all advanced societies until a person is twenty or so, there is little else to do other than study and homework treated like holy work in conscious families.
A giant army of teachers, colleges and pedagogical officials is working to complete the needs of industrial workers through the machine we know as school.
We can observe politicians outstripping each other to prove their devotion to educational causes. The big government-mandated exams claim to have the power to shape our entire lives; the panic they create can be felt in dawn terrors decades later. We start believing that if we didn’t get enough marks as expected by us, our parents or people we know, nothing will be left to live for. And yet it is very rare to find a thinking adult who, in middle age or earlier, doesn't look back on his school years at certain moments of crisis in a rather puzzled manner and wonders why he managed so much to pass over into silence in the middle of all her studies, discipline and devotion.
How did certain fundamental concepts, important for a halfway decent life, slip through the internet during all those hours in the classrooms? How did so much time come to calculate, the erosion of the top glacial layer, Burgundy politics of the 1400s, Emily Dickinson's poems, and trigonometric equations and yet so little time for various puzzles that makes life so difficult for the grown-up? Why did nobody tell us, in short?
There are some places to lead this thought in focus. All the debates we are seeing are conducted around how best to deliver an education instead of what they should be educated? One school graduate or college degree holder found it hard to manage his emotions, maintain relationships, enhance his quality of life, take major decisions and many more things.?
It's no chance to emphasize the words "forgotten" in the title; it highlights how important life chapters are excluded from the education curriculum in a substantially unprecedented way. No plot – which would be almost easier – is just some kind of oversight and occurrence. There is no good or interesting reason why we should wait so long to find lessons that matter most in our lives – or stumble around in such obscurity when theory and story is already illuminated brightly. We must suffer certain things inevitably because the greatest thinkers are not paying attention to this improvement needed in our education system.
The question that arises is that can we think about an educational revolution to fix the bugs in our education system that are causing it to lose relevancy and becoming a super-boring learning activity?
I believe that the greatest keynote authors, speakers and various personalities are already producing wisdom on education and life that is worth paying attention to but the question is can we come together to build a school or curriculum which can be replaced with the traditional education system? Can we think about working on building a school to master the skills that truly matter to enhance the quality of life experience and inspire us to explore all possibilities as a Human? Stand with your Opinion ??