What is Forest Bathing?
Hawk and Heath's App will enable you in 30 minutes a day how you can deal with stress and boost your immune system.

What is Forest Bathing?

Have you ever felt stressed, anxious or overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of daily life? If yes, then you may want to consider taking a dip into the world of forest bathing. But what exactly is Forest Bathing and will you need a swim suit?


Let's dive in! Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku, is a Japanese practise that involves immersing yourself in nature to promote physical and mental well-being. It doesn't involve swimming, but rather, walking very slowly, mindfully, and intentionally in a woodland, park, or other natural environment. It's about using all your senses to connect with nature and allowing it to soothe and heal you. Studies have found that Forest Bathing can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve mood, boost the immune system, and increase creativity and focus. It's free, accessible, and can be done by anyone, anywhere. All you need is a willingness to slow down, unplug, and connect with nature. It is inclusive, accessible and very easy to fit into your daily life.


So, will you need a swimsuit for Forest Bathing? The answer is no. Forest bathing is not about getting wet, but rather, about immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the forest. You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, whether that's hiking boots, yoga pants, or even a suit and tie, as Forest Bathing is perfect for a short lunchtime break.

Hawk and Heath's App can help you to be present and mindful and show you how you can do Forest Bathing yourself in your own local Green Spaces.

Hawk and Heath can show you, via the App, that Forest Bathing is a simple, yet powerful practice that can transform your physical and mental health.


So why not connect with Hawk and Heath, give it a try and see how it can benefit you? Hawk and Heath have developed an App to help everyone incorporate Forest Bathing into their daily lives and gain the benefits - reach out and find out how we can help you and your employees.

Your mind and body will thank you.



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