What flavor is your Lemonade?
“When life hands you lemons make lemonade” well a form of it anyway, was first used in an obituary to describe the positive attributes of the deceased. Since then every country shop has a painted wooden sign with the slogan brightly penned in yellow with child-like lemons someone bought to brighten Mom’s kitchen that end up in the resale shops abroad. Lemons are sour and you need to add sugar to make it palatable, just as some situations need a bright side.
Everyone faces adversity and hard times. Your level of hard times is an individual thing which is why sometimes we look at a situation and think Yeah, that’s a tough one…NOT. So for the purpose of this article let’s focus within. No Matter what you have to face the outcome actually hedges on your attitude. Whether it is financial woes or a personal setback, many a child has funded a summer trip to the ice cream or candy shop with a lemonade stand. That entrepreneurial spirit still lives in us as adults. Many times what seemed like the worst possible thing, in a twist of fate can actually turn into the best thing that ever happened in many aspects of our lives or at least presented new opportunities we wouldn't have known.
So what flavor is your lemonade? Is it bitter or is it sweetened with hope? It’s key to remember that it is you who adds the flavor and you who shares the confection. There are so many things we can’t control in life but in this case when life hands you lemons invite people in and make pies, cakes, drinks and have a party. Make the most of everyday, anyway, before it’s your obituary that needs a sweet sentiment.
Excerpt from Life Under Construction Copyright 2017 GoldenMark, Ltd. All Rights Reserved