What Is The First Question a Human Has Ever Been Asked?
Do you know where you are right now? I mean, where are you standing?
It says that a man stands where his thoughts are.
G-d turns to Adam and asks him, "Ayeka?" (Where are you?). This is the first time a question appears in the bible; it's the first question that a human has been asked, and it was asked by G-d: "Ayeka?"
Why did G-d ask Adam where is he? G-d knows everything; rest assured he knew where Adam was hiding.
"Ayeka" is a deep and profound question about our spiritual purpose.
“Ayeka” – is a wakeup call! A shake-things-up call!
Adam had been provided with all the abundance and lived in paradise. The whole world was created for him! Yet he sabotaged his success.
G-d asked Adam, “Ayeka?”?In other words, G-d interrogating Adam:?look what you have done, where you should be with all your potential, where you should have been with all the resources I granted you.
And instead, where are you standing now?
We should all ask ourselves, "Ayeka"!
We should check where we are standing now. What is our potential? What are our goals? What our life purpose is?
Let's remember and internalize that G-d gave us all the resources we need to accomplish our mission, to fulfill our potential, and it is our duty to act and live our life accordingly.
We are endowed with unique qualities and abundant resources; each of us is the most talented on earth to implement his own purpose and mission. "Ayeka" is the golden Buzzer given to us by G-d!
So, wake up, serve your unique purpose, and shine the world with your inner spark.
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