What is Financial Services?
Financial services refer to services provided by the banks and financial institutions in a financial system.
In general, all types of activities which are of financial nature may be regarded as financial services. In a broad sense, the term financial services mean mobilization and allocation of savings. Thus, it includes all activities involved in the transformation of savings into investment.
The finance industry covers a broad range of organizations that deal with management of inflow and outflows of funds in an economy. Among these organizations are Asset Management Companies like leasing companies, merchant bankers and Liability Management Companies like discounting houses and acceptance houses, and further general financial institutions like banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, consumer finance companies, stock exchanges, and some government sponsored enterprises.
Following are some of the examples of financial services:
Financial services are usually customer focused. Financial Services are provided, depending on the need of customer for example, leasing finance service may be needed by an industrial customer, while merchant banker’s services may be needed by a company issuing new equity share in the market.
Financial services firms like other service firms continuously remain in touch with their customers, so that they can design products which can cater to the specific needs of their customers.
Financial services are intangible in nature. In a highly competitive global environment, brand image is very important. Unless the financial institutions providing financial products and services have good image, enjoying the confidence of their clients, they may not be successful.
Production of financial services and delivery of these services have to be concomitant. Both these functions i.e. production of new and innovative financial services and supplying of these services are to be performed simultaneously.
Perishable in nature
Like other services, financial services also require a match between demand and supply. Services cannot be stored. They have to be supplied when customers need them.
Dominance of human element
Financial services are dominated by human element. Thus, financial services are labour intensive. It requires competent and skilled personnel to market the quality financial products.
Financial services can be of three types i.e. a fund based or a fee-based or both. In case of fee-based services, the advisory function is dominant. Issue management, registrar of issue, merchant banking, pricing of securities etc. are few examples of advisory financial services.
Financial services are customized services. It cannot be uniform for all clients. Financial services vary from one client to other. Institutional client requirements differ from individual client. After analyzing the needs of the clients, financial institutions offer customized financial services to the clients.
Information based
Financial service industry is an information based industry. It involves creation, dissemination and use of information. Information is an essential component in the production of financial services.
Functions of Financial Services
Financial services, through the network of financial institutions, financial markets and financial instruments serve the needs of individuals, institutions and corporate.
In essence, orderly functioning of the financial system depends to a great deal, on the range and the quality of financial services extended by the financial intermediaries. Specifically financial services perform following functions for the orderly development of an economy.
Mobilization of funds
A financial service helps in mobilizing fund from investors, individual, institutions and corporate entities. These funds are mobilized through different financial instruments like equity shares, bonds, mutual funds etc.
Effective utilization of funds
These financial services also help in effective utilization of mobilized funds. Financial services helps in this regard through services like factoring, securitization, credit rating etc. Services of Credit Rating Company enables investors to make wise and informed decisions related to investment. Similarly merchant banking services helps companies in mergers and acquisitions.
Transforming risk
Financial services like insurance helps in reduction of risk by transferring risk to those who are more willing to bear it.
Enhancement of economic development
A financial service helps in economic development of the country by mobilization and deployment of funds. Ideal savings of individuals are channelized into productive investment through financial services.
Provision of liquidity
The financial service industry promotes liquidity in the financial system by allocating and reallocating savings and investment into various avenues of economic activity. It facilitates easy conversion of financial assets into liquid cash.
Creation of employment opportunities
The financial service industry creates and provides employment opportunities to millions of people all over the world.
Classification of Financial Services
The term “financial services” refers to an assortment of institutions that provide the means for people to save for the future, hedge against risks, acquire capital for consumption and organize capital for investment.
Financial services cover wide range of activities like fund raising, funds deployment, credit rating, underwriting, merchant banking, depository, mutual fund, book building etc.
Financial services can be broadly classified as:
Traditional Financial Services
It includes services rendered for both money and capital market, which can be grouped under two heads:
Fund Based Services
In fund-based services the firm raises funds through debt, equity, deposits and the bank invests the funds in securities or lends to those who are in need of capital.
Fund based Services are the activities which come under the following:
The important fund based services include:
Fee Based Services
Fee based financial services are those services wherein financial institutions operate in specialized fields to earn a substantial income in the form of fees or dividends or brokerage on operations.
The major fee based financial services are as follow:
The fee based/advisory services include:
Modern financial services
Modern financial services include innumerable activities like: