What is FeedLove?...The Power of Words

What is FeedLove?...The Power of Words

You might wonder, did she lost it? Indeed I might and why not. We often take life too seriously, following processes without questioning them, following what needs to be done without understand the why.

Feedback sessions or conversations is the same. We know we need to ask feedback in the business world whether to justify our performance (and we ask it strategically to few people) or we are forced to ask for it and we do struggle and will defend against any comment. We have all been there and done it all.

The problem is that feedback looks backwards, it often looks to the past without clear or any actionable comments, biased by emotions…

Our unconscious brain is wired to keep us in the comfort zone. Our amygdala is scanning 6 times per millisecond any danger…feedback is one of them. That’s why we check out. That’s why we will find any excuse to fight against it. (Happy to share more on this in the future, just DM me)

Recently I have been playing around with the power of the words, and I realised that by driving FeedLove sessions instead of Feedback people were open to receive it. They were smiling at it, they knew what do do with it and were even grateful for it. Why is that?

It follows 5 critical principles:

Here are the first 3:

1 - The first one is understanding that if someone is willing to share FeedLove with you it is because they value you. Nothing worse than being insignificant to others

2 - The second principles: create rapport. Remember it is not about vomiting your emotions on the other person but giving them a gift they are able to act on…

3 - The third principle: it needs to be fact based and specific and in a way the other person understands it. Do not be afraid to share how it made you feel…

Comment if you want to receive the 5 principles and know how to unleash the power of FeedLove

And always happy to receive your feedlove too :)


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