What are the features of SpringBoot over spring framework?

What are the features of SpringBoot over spring framework?

Spring Boot is a popular framework in the Spring ecosystem that provides a set of features and benefits over the traditional Spring framework. Here are some of the key features and advantages of Spring Boot over the core Spring framework:

  1. Auto-Configuration: Spring Boot offers a wide range of auto-configuration options, which means it can automatically configure the Spring application context based on the project’s dependencies. This eliminates much of the manual configuration required in a typical Spring application.
  2. Standalone: Spring Boot applications are standalone by default, which means they include an embedded web server (e.g., Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow). This simplifies the deployment process and reduces the need for external web servers.
  3. Opinionated Defaults: Spring Boot provides sensible default configurations for various aspects, like data source setup, view resolution, and more. However, you can easily override these defaults when needed.
  4. Microservices-Ready: Spring Boot is well-suited for building microservices and cloud-native applications. It offers features like externalized configuration, service discovery, and distributed tracing.
  5. Production-Ready: Spring Boot includes built-in production-ready features such as health checks, metrics, and monitoring, making it easier to manage and monitor your applications.


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