What features should I look for when choosing a campus recruitment Online Assessment platform?
Swapnil Dharmadhikari
Entrepreneur | AI Products and Services | Gen AI Based Assessments | Intelligent Proctoring | B2B
Before diving into any specifics, or niche, let us first understand what online assessments are?
Online assessments are examinations or evaluations of examinees’ certain aptitudes, personalities, and behaviors through web-based software via the internet.
An online evaluation consists of a range of exams and questions that can:
- Furnish guidance for career counseling
- Provide self-esteem with a certain target
- Promote dynamic training and education ways for individuals
Online assessments are immensely helpful for colleges and universities with the age spectrum they deal with.
College and university students who require guidance for their prospective future career opportunities may be the prime benefactors of online assessments.
43% of administrators said that their organizations will continue to offer remote as well as online learning options for students here on, and the figure is up from 33% in the previous year…
But looking at the other side of the coin,
Placements through colleges and universities can be and have been a logistic turmoil for colleges or universities and companies or organizations alike. The drive is no less than diamond mining in a haystack!
Taking actual figures into account, MNCs tend to test and genesis studies from 6000-7000 campuses every year.
It is a whopping number if pen and paper-based evaluations are taken into consideration. Companies incline towards going to colleges to evaluate the potential hires right at the source.
A regular campus placement drive is inclusive of tests, group discussions, presentations, and the ultimate one-on-one interviews. Nevertheless, this entire activity takes up hours of time and resources that would rather be invested into productive work.
Not to forget the cost that needs to be bared for the hirers’ travel to the campuses and hires gone wrong as well.
Even post-pandemic, almost 84% of employers are still actively hiring.
This is where if and when online assessment for campus recruitment conduction steps in and saves the day!
In a nutshell, Online assessment for campus recruitment is just the solution that can remediate the situation of tedious and resource-investing campus placement drives.
Online assessment for campus recruitment is the evaluation of the students in the campus drive virtually where students and the recruiters connect online is conduct the hiring process.
Campus recruitment with online assessment has made the placement drive an easier job at hand that comes with optimum efficiency in the entire process and instant feedback as well.
The online evaluation is done through desktops or laptops that are remotely proctored and are backed by (SMEs) Subject matter experts.
The main highlight of the online evaluation is the ultimate level of transparency that it brings in contrast to the traditional method. Many of the tests are equipped to provide the results immediately.
Now the question arises: how these drives are any different from the corporate assessments?
Well, the simple answer to this question would be that online campus assessments tend to be for college-going students, considering their capabilities and grasp of the things they have learned.
Whereas on the other hand, corporate assessments are built for professionals who are already in the game and have expertise in the work they do.
Straight up, the direct difference between online assessments for campus recruitment and corporate assessments is that campus recruitment assessments are done pre-hiring, for the freshers according to their fresh capacity and potential.
Corporate assessments are conducted to evaluate the expertise of an experienced candidate who has been through the up and downs of the industry and also to test and enhance the performance of existing employees.
Features to look for while choosing an Online Assessment Platform for Campus Recruitment
Online assessment platforms for campus recruitment have been nothing but a boon for both the candidates and the companies as well. From being cost-effective to efficacy in the entire hiring process, online assessments have their own set of functionalities that may or may not suit every hiring process.
Although there is some predefined set of features that can turn out to be the key to a successful online assessment for campus recruitments.
When online assessments for campus recruitments are to be held, companies should definitely consider the below-mentioned features in the online assessment tools:
- User-friendly Interface
The interface of the online assessment tools needs to be user-friendly. This enables the creation of the assessments in such a way that they are easy for both, the recruiters and the candidates as well.
The evaluation tests must be simple for the candidates to interact with and fill in. For the recruiters, it has to enable them to evaluate the tests and generate results instantly and correspond the same to the respective concerning parties.
2. Regional Language Compatibility
The assessment tools no matter the standardization of the language must be able to provide regional language compatibility. This makes the assessment userfriendly for both the acting parties.
Regional language compatibility stretches the geographical scope of candidate hiring.
For example, if the company is located in A part of a country, then they can conduct the placement drive in the B part which can be miles apart or even on another end of the country.
3. Effective Identity Verification Mechanism
The online assessment too must be well-equipped to carry out the verification of the candidates aptly through every possible means.
For instance, before initiating the actual test, the candidates will have to hold up their identity verification card or document that has been intimated to them beforehand to be carried.
This will confirm that the listed person is the one attempting the exam.
4. Proficiency to cope with bandwidth issues
Let us consider a situation where let's say the candidate residing in a remote location, and facing some bandwidth problem issues and the exam page is lagging a lot.
In that case, the online assessment tool should be ably programmed in such a manner that even with lower bandwidth, the examination can function seamlessly and the candidate will not waste their precious examination time.
5. Apt How to use training material
Online assessment tools should provide the users with the optimum and apt amount and data on how to use the tool in any sort of step-by-step manual, guide, video, or any other possible form.
In addition, the conduction of mock exams would be the add-on where a practice exam will be conducted so that the users are equipped enough to use the online assessment use as and when required.
6. Active Support during the assessments to avoid breakdowns
During the examination, if the candidate or the recruiter faces any kind of issues or has doubts regarding the online assessment tool, their issues need to be addressed immediately.
This will ensure the continuation of the examination through any problems or hurdles that may come up. This keeps the exam conduction seamless and the candidates can give their tests with ease.
7. Generous Support Team
Not just during the examination, but assistance is required post and pre-examination for candidates and the recruiters as well. Pre-examination, the conveyance of the timetable, the examination link, and all other pre-requisites of the exam need to be done properly.
During the exam, as we saw above what support is required needs to be provided to avoid any mishaps.
Even post the examinations certain assistance is required concerning the result generations and conveyance which has to be precise and timely.
8. Enhanced Security Features to maintain the integrity
In terms of security, the online assessment tool needs to provide an optimum level of security to prevent the candidates from attempting any malpractices.
Audio proctoring, video proctoring and screen proctoring, or 360-degree proctoring as they call it, are some of the best ways to analyze the security features that an online assessment tool can provide.
Apart from that in terms of security for the recruiters, the tools should be well equipped to provide the utmost level of security so that any kind of data should not be exposed to any sort of vulnerabilities.
9. Ability to scale and function seamlessly
One of the most regular mistakes that are done when on the hunt for online assessment tools is not testing if the tool is robust enough.
Online assessment tools should be robust and scalable enough to handle and deal with any amount of workload that keeps on coming its way at any speed that there is. The tool must adapt itself to the figures as and when needed.
10. Reporting & Analysis
This is one of the most important features to consider when choosing an evaluation tool, not only for campus recruitments but also for all the online assessments out there.
Reporting and analyzing feature is a means to keep track of the progress of the candidate. This helps the examinee side of organizations to alter their processes to enhance the effectiveness of the assessments.
That and much more need to be considered before opting for online assessment tools. To make that task easier, we have shortlisted a checklist of questions that need to be asked before zeroing down on any platform for online assessment on the whole.
Final checklist and questions to be asked
- What methods do they provide to prevent the candidates from cheating?
- If the company is certified enough to conduct the right kind of examinations and if they have been recognized for the same.?
- What kind of security do they provide to protect the data whole assessment process and data from any vulnerabilities?
- If they support remote proctoring and what sort?
- If the tool can integrate well with the existing environment?
How Ekalvvya can be the right choice as an Online Assessment Platform for campus recruitment?
A well-polished assessment is an opportunity for the company administration that will be a turning point for how campus recruitment drives are held.
To add to the enhancement of the hiring process through campus placement drives, Eklavvya offers the ultimate solution that will run such drives.
Eklavvya is a sophisticated AI-powered online assessment platform that provides multiple methods of proctoring to evaluate the candidates.
Audio, video and screen proctoring prevent the candidates from violating any exam rules and conducting seamless online exam conduction with immediate result generation.
Optimum pre and post-support for the online assessment make the process much easier than ever.
Online assessments for campus placements with Eklavvya are the rising sun of a new career era that will change all the ways careers are built; right from the point when it is in the learning phase to the ultimate corporate hire.