What Features Should I Look for in a Shower Commode?

What Features Should I Look for in a Shower Commode?

A thoughtfully chosen shower commode will greatly improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility challenges. When selecting a shower commode, it’s essential to consider several key features that ensure the needs of user are fully met. Our team of experts in commode prescription have outlined the top five features to keep in mind during the prescription phase.


1. Longevity & Durability

Investing in a shower commode means prioritising longevity. A durable model made from rust-resistant materials, such as 304 grade stainless steel, can withstand years of use without compromising safety. It's wise to review the warranty period offered by manufacturers, as a longer warranty often indicates a commitment to quality. This can help mitigate issues related to rusting or structural failures over time.

2. Correct Prescription

Obtaining the correct prescription is crucial for effective use. Engaging a registered occupational therapist is key, as they can assess individual needs and recommend appropriate models. Collaboration with commode specialists—like those at Juvo Solutions—ensures tailored commode advice. Juvo Solutions also provides a free interactive prescription form designed for occupational therapists, streamlining the process of capturing essential client requirements.

It is important that the OT considers the individual needs of the client, such as whether they require a static or mobile shower commode, whether they have the independence to self-propel or whether they require an attendant propelled commode, the environment the commode will be used in, and what their transfer requirements are.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

While the initial cost of a durable commode may be higher, it often proves to be a more cost-effective choice over time. High-quality commodes typically require fewer replacements and repairs, ultimately lowering the total cost of ownership. By investing in a reliable model, you can avoid the expenses associated with frequent replacements and part replacements, which are both costly and time-consuming, affecting the user’s independence in the meantime.

4. Comfort

Comfort is paramount when selecting a shower commode. It should be adjustable and customisable to accommodate the user’s specific needs, which often evolve over time. Features such as adjustable leg rest height and backrest extensions can significantly enhance comfort, promoting independence in personal hygiene. A well-fitted commode encourages users to maintain their routines, which is vital for overall well-being and independence.

5. Functionality

The commode must fulfill its intended functions effectively. This includes facilitating safe transfers, providing adequate support during showering, and ensuring ease of hygiene. It’s important to verify that the commode can assist with the daily tasks of living, and meet the twelve tasks of hygiene as developed by Juvo Solutions . A well-designed model not only supports the user but also aids caregivers, minimizing the risk of injury and enhancing overall usability.


In summary, when choosing a shower commode, consider factors like longevity, proper prescription, cost-effectiveness, comfort, and functionality. By focusing on these features, you can select a reliable and safe solution for bathing and toileting needs.

Ultimately, the right shower commode significantly impacts user safety, independence and comfort, as well as the efficiency and safety of caregivers. By investing time and thought into this selection process, you enhance the daily experience of hygiene and promote independence and dignity for users.

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