What Are Featured Snippets & How Many Types are there?
Featured snippets are amongst the latest User Experience improvement initiatives that help not only drive traffic and get more visitors to your content, but also help users find fast solutions to their queries, showing up above the #1 results in SERP does have its intended benefits.
But how do you get your website features in this coveted spot in search engine results?
First to know what is the Featured Snippet?
Featured snippets are rich Google search results that appear as a box of content on the top of SERPs. They are fields of data that attempt to provide precise and concise information related to a user’s query without having to wade through a whole bunch of links and pages to find what they’re seeking. Featured snippets are generally positioned at the top of SERPs & below the Google ads and above other organic search results.
“Research has found that featured snippets in search can drastically increase click-through-rates (CTR) for search results. A study by HubSpot found that the CTR for their high-volume keywords increased by over 114% when the results appeared as featured snippets.”
Types of Featured Snippets
Featured snippets in search show up in different of ways. Below are a few featured snippet examples.
1. Paragraph Featured Snippet
A paragraph featured snippet includes a blurb of copy. These types of snippets generally become when a consumer has searched for a question and includes information that attempts to answer that question.
2. Table Featured Snippet
A table featured snippet shares information in a structured format that makes data easy to read directly from the SERPs.
3. Answer Boxes
Answer boxes are similar to featured snippets in that they appear in a box on SERPs, and they attempt to answer a question. The difference between answer boxes and featured snippets is that boxes answer the question without including a link to a URL for more information. When people talk about featured snippets, they usually don’t include these types of answer boxes.
Our upcoming blog “how to optimize content for featured snippets in search” Stay tuned for more details.
Source - www.veominfotech.com [Digital Marketing Company]