What is Feature Engineering? —Tools and Techniques for Machine Learning
Feature Engineering

What is Feature Engineering? —Tools and Techniques for Machine Learning

What is Feature Engineering?

Feature engineering is the process of creating or selecting relevant features from raw data to improve the performance of machine learning models.

Feature engineering is the process of?transforming raw data into features that are suitable for machine learning models. In other words, it is the process of selecting, extracting, and transforming the most relevant features from the available data to build more accurate and efficient machine learning models.

In the context of machine learning, features are individual measurable properties or characteristics of the data that are used as inputs for the learning algorithms. The goal of feature engineering is to transform the raw data into a suitable format that captures the underlying patterns and relationships in the data, thereby enabling the machine learning model to make accurate predictions or classifications.

Feature engineering steps:

1. Data Understanding

2. Data Cleaning

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

4. Feature Generation/Creation

5. Feature Selection

6. Feature Encoding/Transformation

7. Feature Scaling

8. Feature Integration

9. Iteration and Evaluation

10. Documentation

These steps outline the key stages involved in the feature engineering process.

Feature engineering involves several steps, including:

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Data preprocessing

?1. Data preprocessing: This step involves cleaning and transforming the raw data to handle missing values, outliers, or inconsistencies. It may include techniques such as data normalization, scaling, or handling categorical variables.

Data preprocessing techniques commonly used in feature engineering:

  • ?Handling missing values: Filling missing values in numerical and categorical features with mean and mode values, respectively.
  • ?Encoding categorical features: Using label encoding to convert categorical features into numerical representations.
  • ?Scaling numerical features: Standardizing numerical features using standard scaler to ensure consistent scales.
  • ?Creating interaction features: Generating new features by performing mathematical operations on existing features.
  • ?Text preprocessing: Lowercasing text and removing extra whitespaces in a text feature.
  • ?Handling datetime features: Extracting information from datetime features, such as month and day of the week.
  • ?Feature scaling using min-max scaling: Scaling numerical features to a specified range using min-max scaler.
  • ?Handling imbalanced classes: Applying oversampling technique (SMOTE) to address class imbalance in the target variable

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?2. Feature creation: In some cases, new features can be created by combining existing features or extracting information from the data. This could involve techniques like feature scaling, log transformations, or generating polynomial features.

Feature creation Example:

  • Creating interaction features: Combining two or more existing features by performing mathematical operations.
  • Polynomial features: Creating new features by raising existing features to higher powers.
  • Aggregating features: Aggregating numeric features based on a categorical feature using groupby operations.
  • Date-based features: Extracting information from date or timestamp features, such as month or day of the week.
  • Text-based features: Creating features based on text data, such as text length or number of words.
  • Binning numerical features: Discretizing numerical features into bins or categories.
  • Feature crossing: Combining two or more features by concatenating their values.
  • Time-based features: Extracting hour, weekend indicator, or encoding cyclical features.
  • Encoding cyclical features: Converting cyclical features like hours or months into sine and cosine transformations.
  • Feature extraction from text: Using techniques like TF-IDF to transform text data into numerical features.
  • Feature hashing: Converting text or categorical features into a fixed number of dimensions using a hashing function.

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?3. Feature selection: Not all features may be relevant or informative for the learning task. Feature selection techniques help identify the most relevant features and remove irrelevant or redundant ones. This can improve model performance, reduce overfitting, and enhance interpretability.

Feature Selection Example:

  • Univariate feature selection: Using statistical tests like chi-square to select the top k features based on their scores.
  • Feature selection using random forest: Training a random forest classifier and selecting features based on their importance scores.
  • Feature selection using L1 regularization (Lasso): Applying L1 regularization to a linear model and selecting features with non-zero coefficients.
  • Recursive feature elimination (RFE): Iteratively selecting features by training a model and recursively eliminating the least important features.
  • Feature selection using SelectFromModel: Selecting features based on a specified threshold of importance scores from a model.
  • Feature selection using the correlation matrix: Selecting features with a correlation coefficient above a certain threshold with the target variable.
  • Feature selection using VarianceThreshold: Removing features with low variance below a specified threshold.

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?4. Feature encoding:

Feature encoding is a process of transforming categorical or ordinal features into a numerical representation that machine learning algorithms can effectively process.

Machine learning models typically require numerical inputs, so categorical features need to be encoded into a numeric representation. Common encoding techniques include one-hot encoding, label encoding, or ordinal encoding.

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?5. Feature transformation:

Feature transformation is a key component of feature engineering that involves transforming the original features into a new representation. It aims to improve the relationship between the features and the target variable, uncover non-linear patterns, reduce skewness, or enhance interpretability...

Sometimes, transforming the features can uncover complex patterns or relationships that are not evident in the original data. Techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), logarithmic transformations, or Box-Cox transformations can be used for feature transformation.

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?6. Feature scaling: Many machine learning algorithms perform better when the features are on a similar scale. Scaling techniques such as standardization (mean-0, variance-1) or normalization (scaling to a specific range) can be applied to ensure consistent feature scales.

?Feature scaling is an important step in feature engineering that involves transforming numerical features to a common scale. It helps ensure that all features contribute equally to the analysis and modeling process. Here are some commonly used feature scaling methods:

  • Standardization (Z-score normalization): It scales features to have zero mean and unit variance. Each value is subtracted by the mean of the feature and divided by its standard deviation. This method is suitable when the data follows a Gaussian distribution.
  • Min-Max Scaling (Normalization): It scales features to a specified range, typically between 0 and 1. Each value is subtracted by the minimum value of the feature and divided by the range (maximum value minus minimum value) of the feature. This method is useful when the distribution of the data is unknown or not necessarily Gaussian.
  • Robust Scaling: It is similar to standardization but uses robust statistics to handle outliers. It subtracts the median of the feature and divides by the interquartile range (IQR). This method is more robust to outliers compared to standardization.
  • Max Abs Scaling: It scales features by dividing each value by the maximum absolute value of the feature. This method is suitable when the data is centered around zero but may have different scales.
  • Log Transformation: It applies a logarithmic function to the feature values. This method is useful when the data is skewed or has a large range of values.
  • Power Transformation: It applies a power function (e.g., square root, cube root) to the feature values to reduce skewness and transform the distribution.
  • Unit Vector Scaling: It scales features to have a unit norm (length) using various normalization techniques, such as L1 norm or L2 norm. This method is often used for text or sparse data.

What is a feature?

A feature, in the context of machine learning, refers to an individual measurable property or characteristic of the data that is used as an input for a learning algorithm. Features are the attributes or variables that help the model understand and make predictions or classifications based on patterns or relationships in the data.

?Features can take various forms depending on the nature of the data and the problem at hand. They can be numerical, categorical, or even text or image-based. Here are some examples:

1. Numerical Features: These are quantitative values that represent some measurement or count. For instance, age, height, temperature, or the number of items purchased.

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Numerical Features

2. Categorical Features: These represent discrete, non-numeric categories or labels. Examples include gender (male/female), color (red/blue/green), or product categories (electronics/clothing/furniture).

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Categorical Features

?3. Binary Features: These are a special type of categorical features with only two possible values, often represented as 0 or 1. For example, whether a customer has made a purchase (0 for no, 1 for yes) or whether an email is spam (0 for not spam, 1 for spam).

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Binary Features

4. Text Features: In natural language processing (NLP) tasks, text data is transformed into features. These could be word counts, TF-IDF values, or word embeddings representing the presence or importance of certain words or phrases in a text document.

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Text Features

5. Image Features: In computer vision tasks, features can be extracted from images. These could be representations learned by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or manually crafted features that capture visual characteristics like edges, colors, or textures.


6. Derived Features: Derived features are created by performing operations on existing features. This could involve mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, or multiplication, or more complex transformations like logarithmic or polynomial functions.


Need for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

Feature engineering enables the transformation, creation, and selection of features that enhance the performance, generalization, interpretability, and robustness of machine learning models. It empowers models to extract meaningful information from data, overcome data limitations, and tackle real-world complexities.

Feature engineering plays a crucial role in machine learning for several reasons:

1. Improved Model Performance: Feature engineering can significantly enhance the performance of machine learning models. By selecting or creating informative features, models can better capture the underlying patterns and relationships in the data. Well-engineered features enable the model to learn more efficiently, leading to improved accuracy and generalization.

2. Handling Insufficient Data: In many real-world scenarios, the available data may be limited or incomplete. Feature engineering can help mitigate this issue by transforming or creating features that provide additional information or capture important aspects of the data. It can help fill in gaps, reduce noise, and make the most of the available data, improving model performance.

3. Dimensionality Reduction: Feature engineering techniques like feature selection or extraction help reduce the dimensionality of the data. When faced with high-dimensional datasets, models may struggle to generalize well or may suffer from the curse of dimensionality. By selecting the most relevant features or creating compact representations, feature engineering reduces computational complexity and can improve model efficiency and accuracy.

4. Encoding Complex Information: Raw data may contain complex or unstructured information that is not readily understandable by machine learning models. Feature engineering enables the conversion of this information into meaningful and interpretable features. For example, transforming text data into numerical representations using techniques like word embeddings allows models to process and extract patterns from textual information.

5. Addressing Non-numeric Data: Many machine learning algorithms require numerical inputs. However, real-world data often contains categorical or textual features. Feature engineering involves techniques like one-hot encoding, label encoding, or text vectorization, which convert non-numeric features into numeric representations that can be effectively utilized by the models.

6. Improving Interpretability: Feature engineering can also contribute to model interpretability. By creating features that align with human intuition or domain knowledge, models become more transparent and easier to explain. Interpretable features enhance the understanding of the model's decision-making process and facilitate trust and adoption of the model in real-world applications.

Feature Engineering Techniques for Machine Learning

Feature engineering involves a range of techniques that can be applied to transform and enhance features for machine learning. The choice of techniques depends on the specific problem, the nature of the data, and the characteristics of the machine learning algorithm being used. Effective feature engineering requires experimentation, domain knowledge, and an understanding of the underlying data patterns to extract meaningful features and improve model performance.

Here are some commonly used techniques:

1. Imputation: If the data contains missing values, imputation techniques can be used to fill in the gaps. This can involve strategies such as replacing missing values with mean, median, or mode values, or using more advanced methods like regression-based imputation or K-nearest neighbors (KNN) imputation.

2. Scaling: Scaling ensures that features are on a similar scale, preventing some features from dominating others. Common scaling techniques include standardization (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) or normalization (scaling values to a specific range, often between 0 and 1).

3. One-Hot Encoding: One-hot encoding is used to represent categorical features as binary vectors. Each category is transformed into a binary feature, where 1 represents the presence of that category, and 0 represents the absence. This technique allows machine learning models to handle categorical data.

4. Ordinal Encoding: Ordinal encoding is used for categorical features that have an inherent order or hierarchy. It assigns integer values to categories based on their order, preserving the ordinal relationship among them. For example, low/medium/high can be encoded as 1/2/3.

5. Feature Scaling: Some machine learning algorithms, such as gradient-based optimization methods, benefit from feature scaling. Techniques like Min-Max scaling (scaling values to a specific range) or Z-score scaling (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) can be used to ensure consistent feature scales.

6. Polynomial Features: Polynomial features involve creating new features by raising existing features to different powers. This allows models to capture non-linear relationships between features and the target variable. For example, given a feature x, creating polynomial features could involve including x^2, x^3, etc.

7. Feature Interaction: Feature interaction involves creating new features by combining or interacting existing features. This can be done through mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, or by applying domain-specific transformations. Interaction features can capture complex relationships and provide additional information to the model.

8. Dimensionality Reduction: High-dimensional data can pose challenges for machine learning models. Techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) can be applied to reduce the dimensionality of the data while preserving important patterns and relationships.

9. Time-Related Features: For time-series data, creating features related to time can be beneficial. These can include day of the week, month, season, time of day, time since a specific event, moving averages, or trend indicators. Time-related features help models capture temporal patterns and dependencies.

10. Feature Selection: Feature selection techniques aim to identify the most informative and relevant features for the learning task. This can involve methods such as correlation analysis, statistical tests, or regularization techniques (e.g., L1 or L2 regularization) to select a subset of features or assign them different weights.

Steps in Feature Engineering

The process of feature engineering involves several steps to transform raw data into informative features for machine learning models. Here are the key steps typically followed in feature engineering:

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Steps in Feature Engineering

1. Understanding the Data: Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the data you are working with. This includes analyzing the data's structure, identifying the different types of features (numerical, categorical, text, etc.), and exploring any underlying patterns or relationships. Domain knowledge plays a crucial role in this step.

2. Data Cleaning: Address any data quality issues, such as missing values, outliers, or inconsistencies. Decide on appropriate strategies for handling missing data, such as imputation techniques or removal of incomplete samples. Outliers may need to be handled using techniques like winsorization or replacing them with more reasonable values.

3. Feature Generation: Create new features from the existing ones that provide additional information or capture important patterns in the data. This can involve mathematical transformations (e.g., logarithmic, exponential), interaction terms (e.g., multiplication, division), aggregations (e.g., mean, sum), or applying domain-specific knowledge to extract relevant information.

4. Feature Selection: Select the most relevant features that contribute significantly to the learning task while minimizing noise or redundancy. This step helps reduce the dimensionality of the feature space and can improve model performance and interpretability. Feature selection techniques can include statistical tests, correlation analysis, or regularization methods (e.g., L1 or L2 regularization).

5. Encoding Categorical Variables: Convert categorical features into numerical representations that can be understood by machine learning algorithms. This may involve techniques such as one-hot encoding, ordinal encoding, or target encoding, depending on the nature of the categorical data and the algorithm being used.

6. Feature Scaling: Normalize or standardize the numerical features to ensure they are on a similar scale. Scaling helps prevent certain features from dominating others and ensures that the model can learn effectively from the data. Common scaling techniques include min-max scaling (scaling values to a specific range) or z-score scaling (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation).

7. Handling Text or Image Data: If working with text or image data, additional techniques are required. Text data can be processed using techniques such as tokenization, stemming, stop-word removal, or word embeddings. Image data may involve pre-processing steps like resizing, cropping, or applying feature extraction techniques using pre-trained deep learning models.

8. Iterative Refinement: Feature engineering is an iterative process. Continuously evaluate the impact of the engineered features on the model's performance. Analyze feature importance, conduct experiments, and fine-tune the feature engineering steps based on the model's behavior to improve accuracy and generalization.

Feature Engineering Tools

There are several tools and libraries available that can aid in the process of feature engineering. Here are some commonly used tools and libraries:

1. Python Libraries:

??- Pandas: Pandas is a powerful data manipulation library that provides various functionalities for data preprocessing, feature extraction, and transformation.

??- NumPy: NumPy is a fundamental library for numerical computations in Python and provides essential functions for handling arrays and performing mathematical operations, which are often required in feature engineering.

??- Scikit-learn: Scikit-learn is a popular machine learning library that includes feature selection, feature scaling, and other feature engineering techniques. It provides a consistent API and a wide range of functions for working with structured data.

??- Featuretools: Featuretools is a library specifically designed for automated feature engineering. It enables the creation of new features based on relationships and time dependencies in the data.

??- SciPy: SciPy is a library that provides functions for scientific and technical computing. It includes various statistical tests and algorithms that can be useful in feature engineering.

2. R Packages:

??- dplyr: dplyr is a widely used package in R for data manipulation and transformation. It provides a set of functions that simplify the process of data preprocessing and feature engineering.

??- caret: caret is an R package that offers a comprehensive set of tools for feature selection, dimensionality reduction, and other feature engineering tasks. It provides a unified interface to many machine learning algorithms and simplifies the workflow.

??- data.table: data.table is an efficient package for handling large datasets in R. It provides fast and memory-efficient operations for data manipulation, making it suitable for feature engineering tasks on big datasets.

3. Automated Feature Engineering Platforms:

??- Featuretools (Python): Featuretools, mentioned earlier as a Python library, also offers an interactive platform called Featuretools Enterprise. It provides a user-friendly interface for automated feature engineering and facilitates collaboration between data scientists and domain experts.

??- H2O Driverless AI: H2O Driverless AI is an automated machine learning platform that includes powerful feature engineering capabilities. It leverages automatic feature engineering techniques to generate rich features and optimize model performance.

Feature Engineering Summary:

1. Missing Values Handling:

  • Imputation: Replace missing values with statistical measures like mean, median, or mode.
  • Indicator Variable: Create a binary indicator variable representing the presence or absence of missing values.
  • Forward/Backward Fill: Propagate the last known value forward or backward to fill missing values.

2. Outlier Detection:

  • Statistical Methods: Use measures like z-score, modified z-score, or interquartile range (IQR) to identify outliers.
  • Domain Knowledge: Apply specific domain knowledge to identify values that are unlikely or invalid.
  • Visualization: Plotting box plots or scatter plots can help identify outliers visually.

3. Encoding Categorical Variables:

  • One-Hot Encoding: Convert each category into a binary feature, where each category has its column.
  • Label Encoding: Assign a unique numerical label to each category.
  • Target Encoding: Replace each category with the average of the target variable for that category.
  • Binary Encoding: Convert each category into binary code.

4. Scaling and Normalization:

  • Min-Max Scaling: Scale values between a specified range (e.g., 0 and 1).
  • Standardization: Transform values to have zero mean and unit variance.
  • Log Transformation: Apply logarithmic transformation to handle skewed distributions.
  • Robust Scaling: Scale values based on percentiles to minimize the influence of outliers.

5. Binning/Discretization:

  • Equal Width: Divide the range of values into equal-width bins.
  • Equal Frequency: Divide the data into bins with an equal number of samples in each bin.
  • Domain-Specific: Define bins based on domain-specific knowledge or business rules.

6. Feature Extraction:

  • Text Data: Convert text into numerical features using techniques like Bag of Words, TF-IDF, or word embeddings.
  • Date/Time Data: Extract features such as day of the week, month, or time of day.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Reduce the dimensionality of high-dimensional data using techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or t-SNE.

7. Feature Interaction/Polynomial Features:

  • Create interaction features by combining two or more existing features (e.g., multiplication, addition, or subtraction).
  • Generate polynomial features by raising existing features to a certain power.

8. Time-Series Features:

  • Lagged Features: Create features that represent past values of the target variable or other relevant variables.
  • Rolling Statistics: Compute statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation) over a rolling window of time.

9. Feature Selection:

  • Univariate Selection: Select features based on their individual relationship with the target variable using statistical tests like chi-square, ANOVA, or correlation.
  • Model-Based Selection: Use machine learning models to rank or score features based on their importance.
  • Recursive Feature Elimination: Iteratively remove features based on their importance derived from a machine learning model.

10. Interaction Features:

  • Cross-Product: Multiply the values of two or more features to capture potential interactions between them.
  • Ratios: Create new features by taking the ratio between two existing features.
  • Differences: Compute the difference between two features to capture the contrast between them.

11. Frequency Encoding:

  • Replace categorical variables with their frequency of occurrence in the dataset.
  • Useful for categorical variables with high cardinality.

12. Target Encoding with Smoothing:

  • Similar to target encoding, but with an additional smoothing parameter to reduce the impact of outliers or rare categories.

13. Feature Scaling for Neural Networks:

  • Normalize numerical features to a small range (e.g., -1 to 1) to improve convergence and performance of neural networks.
  • Use techniques like batch normalization or layer normalization within the network.

14. Time-Related Features:

  • Day, month, year extraction: Extract specific components (day, month, year) from a given date or timestamp.
  • Time since event: Calculate the time elapsed since a particular event occurred.
  • Time-based aggregations: Compute statistics (e.g., mean, max, min) over time intervals or windows.

15. Feature Aggregation/Grouping:

  • Grouping categorical variables: Combine categories with low frequencies into a single category (e.g., "Other") to reduce sparsity.
  • Aggregating numerical features: Compute statistics (e.g., mean, median, max) for numerical variables grouped by a categorical feature.

16. Feature Generation from Text:

  • N-grams: Extract sequences of n words as features to capture local context.
  • Sentiment analysis: Assign sentiment scores to text data and use them as features.

17. Target-Related Features:

  • Mean encoding: Replace each category with the mean of the target variable for that category, within a specific group or overall.
  • Cumulative statistics: Calculate cumulative statistics (e.g., sum, mean) of the target variable up to a certain point in time.

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John Addae

Business Systems & Data Engineering Analyst, Bsc. Computer Science, MBA Finance.

2 个月

Hello thanks for the post. Do you know whether there is a tool or trading platform that provides feature engineering as services to their users?

Getasew Bimer

Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon

11 个月

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"Passionate Collage Student Harnessing AI, ML, and DS with Python | Django Enthusiast | Linux, Docker, and JavaScript Enthusiast"

1 年

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Madiha Imran

Finance officer at OPPO| Reconciliation analyst| Manage funds transfer| Ravian

1 年

Thanks for suggesting me...



