What fear is keeping you playing small?
Tracey Burns
Transformation coach For Professional Women: Empowering women to achieve fulfilment and success in a nourishing and sustainable way.
99% of the population are living in FEAR
Fear of not being enough
Fear of criticism and judgement
Fear of rejection, of losing love
Fear of expressing themselves/speaking up
Fear of conflict
This ???????? is what is keeping you playing small, its what keeps you stuck, there’s no growth in FEAR.
In FEAR, everything stays the same. You will always be a victim when you’re in fear- to your thoughts, the narratives playing in your mind, your emotions, your survival patterns (people pleasing, overwhelm, self-doubt, perfectionism)
We are only born with 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, all other fears are learned.
FEAR is your conditioned beliefs, patterns and ways of being. Your mind built for safety and survival will keep pulling you back to those well-worn grooves, reinforcing your perceived shortcomings.
There’s a song I remember my daughters singing at Kindy- We’re going on a bear hunt..
where you’re met with so many challenges- tall wavy grass, a big river, mud, caves etc..and you can’t go over them, you can’t go under them, you have to go through them.
That’s the same with fear- we have to meet it, we have to lean into it, embracing the discomfort as a catalyst for growth.
If you’re on a journey of transformation, of stepping into your true authentic power, that FEAR is going to get VERY loud, and its at this point, you will want to give up and run so hard away from it.
I remember this feeling well in my own healing journey. I blamed the container I was in, the approach wasn’t working, it wasn’t for me, I can’t change! Lucky form me my coach knew exactly what was going on- she called me out on it and she said to me:
“Tracey, fear rises when its ready to be released”
Meeting that fear, is meeting all of those versions of you that didn’t feel enough, that didn’t feel lovable, or important enough, not from a place of fear, but from a place of love, of compassion, of forgiveness.
You have to learn how to expand into your heart and into love, you have to learn what it means to love who you are, and start building a relationship with yourself. To do this, you can’t bypass the process of meeting your fear.
When you master being in your heart, in your highest self (not your lowest self) then you get to create, you get to be the master of your life.
Its where you take radical responsibility and ownership for your life and start to take your power back.
Only from this place will you trust in life, trust in yourself, believe in your own divinity. It's only from this place will you find freedom, joy and inner peace.
If you want to stop living in Fear, LOVE has to be the compass. Be the guardian of your mind, yes, but don’t let the mind be the master of your life.