What is a Facebook "Lead-ad"? And How can I scale my business using this form of traffic?
Marshall Rhodes
Streamline your weekly schedule with Facebook. Supercharge conversion rates & KPI based analytics. Paid Ad Campaigns
Topic #1 of 3, Phase-One, this is where you begin..
Hi there! Marshall Rhodes here from Axis-Potential-Consulting
You can also find myself and my business name on Facebook and Instagram. @ facebook.com/AxisPotentialConsulting
~ I'll leave a link at the bottom of the Article as well as all other links to important words and acronyms you need to know before moving on.
The links will be in chronological order in which they appear in this article and each link will have a corresponding link description explaining where the link takes you.
I want you to try and read through this all the way before you go to any links that's why i only have the links at the bottom.
Moving on!??????
~ Back to Article #1 ~
You will be able to walk away from this Article with
"3 new awesome online marketing techniques to SUPER CHARGE YOUR CUSTOMER TRAFFIC FLOW
and will certainly bring you great future business revenue goals for next quarter and hopefully many more to come!
1) - a better understanding in what the heck a "Facebook Lead-ad" is..
2) - a foundation to "C.R.M." (customer relationships management)..
3) - Best way to market yourself online in 2020.
What if I told you this new tool would actually become
"The Newest Most Bad-Ass Online Tool" of your business in 2020??
Sounds pretty good am I right!?? hehehehehe
Lets be real about it and let me show you just what I mean.
~ a tool that allows you to scale your business with ingenuity and creativity.
Lets get to it!!!
~ Do you know anything about "Facebook ads" or as they are specifically called "Lead-ads" within the "Facebook-Business-Manager-Account-system"?
~ To wrap it up in 20 words.. close to 20 words..
.. You can use and track all interactions of your Facebook ads which allows you to specifically target certain products to certain people.
Again the three techniques..
1) - Increasing productivity and efficiency with great C.R.M.
2) - Being able to control a projected sales goal and scalability you can obviously rely on since you create it through hard work and ingenuity.
3) - Being able to access a new tool to augment what you're already doing and getting it SUPER-CHARGED.
Those that want to their business to grow in 2020 will be making these very decisions and marketing goals.
These decisions are more crucial than ever as we usher in the new decade.
I need you to work on that mindset first before anything.
You have to realize why this is useful for you before you can even hope to use it.
That's why I'm here.
I'm explaining how to use it. lol
Hopefully this will become a pivotal moment for you and you will be one of the lucky and smart ones taking what I tell you to heart, and running with it..
Soon you'll be off to the races!!!
As they say in Fresno..
"Go Baby Go!" ??????
~ The Facebook tracking pixel is a snippet type code you can add to your Facebook Business Manager Account by copying the code and pasting it into your website. Allowing you to monitor all of the different kinds of interactions from your Facebook "Lead-ad" to your website or "Native-lead-gen-form". (More on that in the next Article).
It can show a list of variable information you can use to learn a lot about who, what, when, where and why's of all your interactions with all the different ads you can split-test.
This process is also "recycle-able" and can be re-implemented back into the first step of the process.
~ Here's a visual diagram of what I mean followed by a snapshot of what the business manager account analytics looks like as it cascades across your beautiful and hungry "wolf-of-wall-street-entrepreneurial-ass" eyes.
"Not that your eyes look ass'y but that's how I want you to feel and get pumped up about how you're about to overhaul your business and take back that spark you have for being a hungry person who wants to enjoy the cream of the crop of what life can offer and what life can provide..
..because you decided to become the provider." ??????
Oh if I don't crack jokes on you every 3.5 minutes that means I probably don't like you very much but don't worry i'll still crack jokes. I'll force them onto you anyway I see fit and maybe i'll get a little cheeky to make you smile with my "Jokeception".
Yeah.. Having jokes within jokes.. You ever seen the movie "Inception"??
?Look at the picture below ?????????
~ We've got Red where this is the money you've spent on ad-spend for sales or revenue you generated from the "ad-to-website" conversions. This is simple. The amount Facebook charges you for when you make a sale from a single link click.
Based on the industry competitiveness and other variables you can see the top ad campaign of the two that are turned on (blue dot indicates which are on or off)
There's only two on in this demonstration..
36$ spent on 2 sales. Or more appropriately charge of 2 link clicks that actually converted.
What if each sale is the "Long-Term-Value" of a single student signing up for enrollment to this school education?
Any school promoters will be jumping up n down right now??
More on how well certain industries are performing in the next Article. Article #2
School's are not a great example to use as of most recently but this is just a demonstration for now. As the ongoing pandemic unfolds we too will change and adapt and evolve. Just another organism doing some evolving. Well so can humans. We're made up of many!
This is from February this year for a school in New York area.
What you're looking at is in fact the business manager account for one of my coworkers cooperative work orders for a college I can't disclose for sensitivity of competitive information.
I'm sure you can respect that and still get a lot out of what I am able to show you here.
In Green we've got the link conversions from the Facebook ("Lead-ad"-to-website) function versus the amount of actual sales you commissioned. This establishes your overall ad conversion rate. That rate means everything in the projected sales goals and scalability goals. Which in the top ad campaign was 2 sales in a little under 4
The meter of measure.
This is roughly 4 weeks time-span in mid January 2020.
Just before "Lil baby Rona" hitched as a stow-away on our ship and is sending lads and lasses to a watery slumber.
"It's not about how hard you hit but about how hard you can get hit. Life usually turns out to hit the hardest so you better learn how to take the punches and get back up after every hit." , Sylvester Stalone.
Ok in Blue we have your conversion rates from how well your ads are getting people to click on the link. Make sense?
These "cost-per-clicks" are rewarded with a certain price range according to a couple of variables such as accurate copy-write, accurate services and eye-catching imagery that entices people well.
~ Facebook rewards whomever is the best fit to meet the demand!
The top ad-campaign is based on competitiveness and personal conversion rate and the bottom is based on words to "bid" on for a more micro managed campaign technique.. More on that in the next Article. (This is more expert techniques you don't use right a way.)
The "budget-cap" is how you control how much you spend per day. Being able to see analyze and control the amount of money you're using in your campaigns. controls R.O.I. levels, conversion rates and more "how to split-test".
..There's honestly a lot going on and it takes longer to explain in detail.
Let's talk about how to maximize your online interactions with C.R.M.
(C.R.M.) - "Customer-relationships-management".
- The way you manage your leads walking them and guiding each customer through a personalized experience to increase productivity, efficiency, accuracy and if you choose to be creative you will find your business standing out in the crowd kind of technique.
~ Did an individual perhaps only click on a certain link in only one of your ads you split-test I.e ~ 3 different ads that lead to three separate products you sell. and take them to a certain page on your website several times in the past 7 days and left their cart without making a purchase still?
..They might be very interested and need you to be informative, confident and friendly!
Show them why your product is what they are looking for or maybe take that information as an opportunity to see if that keeps happening maybe you need to adjust what you're selling.
Not get rid of but "More options" is more of an accurate way to describe the goal in mind and the way to improve this specific variable.
Don't limit yourself.
Instead I want you to expand.
This online thing is going to help you expand ok!?
So keep a stiff upper lip and lets go get it!!!! #LETSGETIT!!!
This is how we improve and control scalability.
Oh yeah we making a science experiment up in here!
Watch out Baby Rona! ??????
S.E.O. (search-engine-optimization)
- Platforms like Facebook also reward those businesses whose sentences best describe a product and the services that directly answer a viewers search-query. That's how you get conversions because that's literal cut-and-dry alchemy for you..
Your words are the effective ones and engage the customers properly so they engage back and the algorithms make sure viewers see your ads since they are more purposeful and more accurate and the natural occurrence of website visits increase in hand turning back again into even more "favor-ability" and even more conversions
~ You also need to reverse engineer this by having multiple pages with different products and using certain words that start certain conversations with certain individuals.
~ Time management and organizing how you follow up with your connections in an orderly fashion with an already made system that responds to certain "triggers" and at certain times.
Being able to address your customers in real time with something like a "chat-bot" app that pops up in your website approximately 5 seconds after they have landed to your website is Extremely productive and effective!
Your "Virtual-storefront" in real-time!
I mostly mentioned the "How" now lets get into the tool itself.
I'll call this the "What". What we are going to use to make this happen.
Let's talk about Facebook "Lead-Ads"..
Let's understand a few more acronyms and definitions first..
- A Lead: is a person on Facebook for example, who has been drawn to your advertisement that shows up on their daily feed (because of the algorithms and good copy-write like I told you about) and we get to target to them using all the tools at our disposal. (we'll get more into it).. the targeted individual has now successfully registered or purchased or otherwise engaged with the clickable link in your ad we call the
- ?"C.T.A." (call-to-action) button. This is where your functioning link is placed as a button that the viewer can click on. The wording can very crucial to split-test as again that is what good "copy" is.
This combo is the newest, greatest way to drive traffic to your website and manage both "inbound/ outbound-marketing" in 2020.
This is achievable because of "one-phrase" I want you to remember.
"Virtual Storefront of Your Business".
- A Business that can properly execute this new style of online marketing has the potential of an average of 21x their ad spend within the first three months of using these techniques.
- You will be more adept to addressing their needs by retrieving market-research through experiences which turns back around into better content you will continue to bring and further grow customer experience.
That's 2100 % growth btw!! That comes straight from Facebook!
~ Let's check out a testimonial from the Folks over at Land-Rover 2019! ~
It's not even that much work to get it all set up properly though it can be very time consuming int he beginning. It's work up front then you let the automation do its thing.
You set up posts and messages and ads and emails to run on a schedule and at certain triggers and it will continue to provide those experiences to navigate potential buyers. The more you do it the more streamlined it becomes as well and a more seasoned technique, then in just a few months you can scale so much you open another flagship how does that sound??
~ Today's data will help me create tomorrow's idea!" ~
These stats come from "Zephoria.com" but you can find the same numbers just about anywhere..
"A.I." and "machine-learning" helps connect us to likely prospects. There are several social media outlets and several search engines. It's all about deciding how many avenues you use based on your new way to project sales goals and traffic. TikTok is the hottest social media to be using every day right now! ?????? You can automate your posting and messages and responds for any social media platform just about and that's not even including "Search-Engine bidding ads" and "AdWords" S.E.O.
Number one reason small businesses fail in the first 5 years??.. They don't learn anything about their customers! They never ask them any questions or speak to them and miss out on how to secretly get answers to questions by starting the right conversations.
~ I personally call this technique the "Upside-down conversation". ~
Which is actually very similar to what an "Upside-down link" is. That will be covered in Article #2 of Phase-One.
~~ I will have Article #2 finished by Friday August 7th 2020 and I hope you get to enjoy.
I'll post it at Noon.
Upside down Links are about having multiple pages in your website that have different copy and different purposes. Social Media as well. ??????
~ Back on topic ~ "the old way" ~
Some of the Larger Corporations are still doing this!! These businesses will also find themselves left in the dust in the next few years as other businesses and E-commerce, Drop-shipping and telemarketing/online marketing businesses get most of the traffic.
More and more consumers will shift to online-based purchases over the next decade.
Properly advancing your marketing techniques and equipping the right tools to take on these new changes is the only successful strategy to take in 2020. Now does it sound logical?? I Hope So!
~ Statistic time again! ~
- 80% of people find the solution to their search-query online. Using the right words that directly address the search-query in the "meta-description" of a website when you find them on a search on Google or Yahoo.
~ These 80% look up what they need on the internet before they consider going to any store.
Shoppers are getting smarter and not a single business that wants to run in 2020 can afford not be the "Go-To" and perfectly clear to every viewer.
(More on meta-description in next Article, Article #2 Phase-One.
- Total traffic is 70% more likely to convert on products and services that are delivered in personalized re-target emails and led through your automated C.R.M. Properly addressing the search-query with the correct words and content.
Let's let that sink in for a second. 70% more likely to convert on businesses that properly and adequately address the solution the viewers are looking for.
~ Would you like to make more than twice the sales you make right now just because you properly leverage your C.R.M. with better wording and have that much better chance?? Need I say anything else!?
- Businesses can reduce "Return-on-ad-spend." by upwards of 79% through increasing conversions and R.O.A.S. on the methods in "inbound marketing"
(in laymen's terms that means focusing on C.R.M. instead of ad-spend caps and bids will actually improve the "Cost-per-click" and save you even more money!!!)
Throwing more money at ad-spending hoping to get more traffic is "derp-move" By the way!
More on how to avoid this in next Article. Article 2 Phase-one.
- More than 50% of sales using online marketing methods in 2020 are projected to not be made from "S.E.O." and organic traffic but instead that means over 50% of sales will be made by continuing to interact with your customers and giving that Excellent Customer Experience. The C.R.M. is the better investment than throwing more money at ads hoping that increases conversion rates assuming its a numbers game. It certainly is a numbers game but there are other ways to increase conversions.
Notice the amount of media-ad-spend is slowing down, percentage of change curve is decreasing and percentages of media-ad-spend is starting to flatten.
~ This particular Article from "EMarketer.com" explains that this pattern is an indication of a market that is in transformation rather than just stagnancy or dying out.
~ Now are you starting to see how the market is changing??~ lol!
The ad-spend caps are not changing because like I said businesses are getting smarter about their customer experiences and focusing on out-bound marketing to increase conversions and boosting in-bound marketing to help brand identity instead of just advertising. That is because in 2020 consumers are very interested in who they do business with!
Inbound & Outbound Marketing - "Inbound is more about how you market your brand identity and growing social media following and positioning yourself with reliable content and copy while Outbound is more about excellent customer experience and being able to help guide potential customers to exactly where they should be learning more about your business. To me they are both the same. It's all important for Brand-identity. They do function a bit differently but I still say the entire process is a combo of the two.
"Up-sales" and being able to have products that go great together. Maybe finding something new that your customers actually want as well and figuring out how to incorporate that into what you're already doing. Finding that what you originally offer isn't getting much traction and you learn exactly what they want and ultimately have a new business model??
"The possibilities are virtually endless.. ..
That was a Digi-joke! ?????? ..Virtual Store..Virtually endless.. ??
Got Ya!
~ Let's try to stay focused for a lil longer damnit! hehehe
- 90% of customers leave abandoned carts and don't make a purchase on a first visit.
Want to know a great time to send a re-target email?? Here's a tip.. Immediately after they leave cart.
Like oh gee idk how about Exactly 13 seconds after they leave..
How about showing them some related products to the ad they clicked on that was about lawnmowers rather than paint-sprayers that you sell. Awe yes this is a simple example of two split-tested two ad ideas. Show em something else about lawns and figure out how big their lawn is with an "upside-down-sentence" or "upside-down-link" (because they only clicked on a certain link and you can observe their actions).
~ Split-tests within split-tests. Split-testception!! Here we go again!! ????
~ "Be The solution to their search-query" ~
- It takes on average 5-12 interactions with shoppers before they see you as an authority figure and definitely provide the service they need. They need to learn and process your "content" and "copy" to make an informed decision.. well if you make them well informed who do you think they will trust to do business with?? Bingo! Oh this means 5-12 "emails" and "ads" or "posts", "videos", "Tik-Toks", "Live-events on Facebook". I can keep going..
~ It's all about brand awareness. ~
~ Which means you are now going to achieve 3 important strategies every business NEEDS to follow in 2020..
"Properly Positioning yourself in front of the right customers on a silver platter"
"Further Reducing ad-spends"
and finally
"Competing with the best possible strategy that comes from your newly renovated and creative-centric-masterpiece"
~ When it comes to average conversion rates for a single ad-campaign that is at least matured for more than a month if it's reaching 50% Conversions is like Owning a Bugatti versus just looking at one in comparison.
~Lets focus back on what an ad is doing to even make any of this possible. I didn't show you yet. So here it is!! ~
So in the image below I want you to focus on what I "star'd" in red. Where the potential lead's information can be auto populated by "Facebook-Native-lead-gen-form", Making it easier to sign up, In three simple steps.
~ Facebook calls this the "Tap, Tap, Done method". ~
Of course for a person's privacy being of utmost focus for customer experience to Facebook.. the user is allowed to change the information if they so choose. Though most of the time they won't change it. If it's already there and correct the user will enjoy the speediness of the process. (which is actually critical for us to be able to perform the proper Facebook pixel algorithm to think properly.)
If they use a different email than the one registered to the Facebook account it can get hairy. That's why we split-test which kid of form works better for each individual ad. Micro management will actually become so much fun when it starts rewarding you handsomely oh yeah you'll enjoy it then for sure. hehehehehe
You can also choose how many fields you want to be available in case you want to have more security of customer retention. Knowing their Facebook URL and phone number as well as email and name. Last names are important too!
Got this straight from (Facebook.com/business/news/lead-ads#)
"sign-up" is a common wordage to use here though you can assign other wording for this depending on what you split-test. We'll get more in to what "split-testing" is in the next Article. Please look out for other Articles here on my profile. ??????
e.g. ~ "Subscribe", "Join-Now", "Activate-Discount", "Start-Saving-Now", "Get-The-Book", etc.
There are several softwares and companies that offer integration C.R.M. into Facebook "Lead-ads". There will be a link to the section of "facebook.com/business/help" that shows all available options. Though My Agency has already had great success with "ActiveCampaign", "MailChimp", "Zapier" and "ChatBot" and everything that happens within Youtube ads. Those work just fine.
ATTENTION!!! I will have a separate Article just for YouTube ads and it will be here on my profile in the near future as well as on my business Facebook and links to the YouTube channel.
"Facebook.com/business/help" is Free Information BTW!!
"Chat-Bot" can be integrate-able into "Messenger App" inside of Facebook. A very great and easy way to respond to leads in real-time and you can automate the messages and responses resulting in higher engagement and conversions. How about some statistics and testimonials real quick!
According to "Drip.com" in a recent free PDF they offer that I stumbled upon on Instagram titled "5 Mistakes that are killing your E-commerce Marketing".
- 90% of customers find a personalized customer experience appealing.
- 90% of "millennials" believe authenticity to be important to their purchases.
- 48% WILL SPEND MORE when their experience is personalized.
- 74% of consumers in a test of 5000 participants found they became frustrated when they were looking on websites and found their content to not be relevant to their search-query.
I personally use MailChimp combined with Zapier to "Zap" Mailchimp into "Active-Campaign" account for all responding email messages. I also use Trello in some instances as well as ChatBot.com and Getinframe.com for Tiktok.
Here's an example of what a "C.R.M." model can look like. This happens to be a free source for C.R.M. I personally use every day. Trello is chillin'. ??????
You can label your "cards" different colors to signify different actions and you set up multiple rows for different actions. As you finish a task with a lead you move em on down the line of rows. Fairly easy to use and the non-premium version is free.
~ Ok we are done for now! Phew!
I will film a video on how to use Trello I gotta make a fake one in order to show you. I don't want you to see mine.
Thank you so much for reading now here are links to some good Articles and sites to start staying in touch with so you can find the juicy deets! Peace out LinkedIn Fam!
~ and at the end of the day all we have is each other so try to be polite and nice to each other.
"All you need is Love" - The Beatles. Namastizzle foshizzle! ??????
- What is a "lead-ad" - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/guides/lead-ads
- How does the Facebook Pixel work?- https://www.quora.com/How-does-Facebook-Pixel-work#:~:text=The%20Facebook%20Pixel%20is%20a%20tool%20that%20helps,need%20what%20is%20known%20as%20a%20pixel%20code.
- What is C.R.M. and how to integrate it - https://www.facebook.com/business/help/151175832083886?id=735435806665862
- Link to Top 20 stats on Facebook.com as of May 3rd 2020- https://zephoria.com/top-15-valuable-facebook-statistics/
- Another term for C.R.M. is L.R.M. "Lead-response-management" (very important tips in here) - https://www.leadresponsemanagement.org/lrm_study
- MailChimp Automation - https://mailchimp.com/help/about-automation/
- ActiveCampaign Review - https://buildapreneur.com/active-campaign-review/
- The difference between Outbound vs Inbound Marketing - https://www.responsepoint.com/the-difference-between-inbound-and-outbound-marketing/
- Facebook "Chabot" guide - https://www.dummies.com/business/marketing/social-media-marketing/use-facebook-messenger-chatbots/
- Facebook/business/help Center and Sitemap. Very easy to learn everything using this page as home-base - https://www.facebook.com/business/sitemap
- What an ad with Tap, Tap, Done looks like - https://www.facebook.com/business/news/lead-ads#
- Link to Trello.com - https://trello.com/platforms
- Referral to Canva.com I Love working with Canva.com it's super user-friendly! (looks like the link won't transfer here so the link to Canva will be in my business instagram bio)- https://www.canva.com/join/passion-lamppost-sleepy
- Link to emarketer.com Article - https://www.emarketer.com/content/us-digital-ad-spending-2019