What the F*@% is up with our water?
Heather A. K.
LinkedIn TOP 1% ?? Builder of People & Businesses + Creator of ??Clean Water Champions | My Passions: 1 - Help Build Systems and Processes that Spur Your Growth + 2 - Protect Your Health with Clean, Safe Water 24/7.
Admit it. You're at least a little bothered by all the toxic water news.
You may not have actually asked this question out loud, but perhaps you've thought it a couple of times. Maybe when you're making coffee or tea in the morning? Or boiling pasta, rice or veggies for your family, hoping the high heat will kill off whatever is in your water. I mean, the water looks clear, right?
Well, lead is invisible in water. You can't taste or smell it either. Boiling only makes lead more condensed.
And it's not only places like Flint, Michigan and Newark, New Jersey that make major headlines with lead contamination.
My beloved Long Island is officially classified as having the most contaminated water in the entire state of New York. The entire state!
And it's new groups of "emerging contaminants" like PFAS and 1,4 Dioxane (aka Forever Chemicals - which are not really new but are now admittedly and directly linked to many cancers) in Long Island's drinking water that heighten the risks. Certain communities in Florida's Space Coast mirror both Long Island's water problems and higher than normal cancer rates.
And it's not just Long Island. It's not just Florida. What about your water? Do you know one of the biggest concerns people have? Pharmaceuticals. Think about it... how long were we told to flush unused meds down the toilet? Now our cities and towns have "Turn in your Meds" programs like "Turn in your Guns" because the threats are real.
Take a minute and try to name 1 thing in your entire life that hasn't been touched by chemicals... just one? OK, now name 1 thing that hasn't been touched with water?... Difficult?
I grew up, like many, being consistently told that New York City has THE BEST water ever! Now, to be clear, the City of New York does an incredible job protecting the reservoirs that feed it's tap water... to the tune of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase surrounding land and keep contamination low. Let's not forget the pizza and bagel shop owners who praise the city's water for that certain Made in New York Goodness that can't be found anywhere else. So good.
But here are 2 simple and true facts:
- New York City water travels over 6,800 miles of decaying infrastructure before it reaches your building
- New York City has nearly 500 watermain breaks a year = nearly 500 major water contamination sites.
New Yorkers spend uber cash on bottled water. From store-brand to artisan. So, how do city slickers really feel about their tap?
Listen, water has ALWAYS been an issue. If you don't know, American cities started adding chlorine into our water to kill of bacteria and viruses circa 1900. Good thing. Prior to, people died of cholera and dysentery. But you've got to take the chlorine (and lye, corrosion control and sometimes ammonia) out before you use it.
It is an absolute PHENOMENOM that we have 24/7/365 on demand access to water. Imagine turning on a faucet or flushing a toilet and ... nothing happens. Surely chaos will ensue. Have you ever considered there is a "rush hour" for water usage?
If you're like most people I speak with, you're like..."Okay, Heather. I get it... what can I do?"
Glad you asked.
For the past 7+ years I've specialized in helping people and organizations understand water better so they can protect their health, save money and have piece of mind. You have many options, but unfortunately, the State of California is the only place your health interests are protected when it comes to getting clean water. And even there, more knowledge is needed.
Consider me your certified personal water advisor. Whether you're looking for a unique topic for a Health & Wellness initiative at work or simply want to protect your family at home, let's have a conversation to see how I can really help you weed through all the noise. Everyone is different. But we all need clean water.
If you are REALLY interested, we have a few seats left for our Clean Water Champion Masterclass which airs LIVE Thursday, 11/7 @ 7pm. Designed for Health, Wellness and Fitness Impresarios. Check registration availability here.
Heather A. Kollar, is a New York State Certified Water Advisor and Consultant who has helped thousands understand water better and learn how to protect their health. She has been a featured expert during water crisis on major news media, including Fox5 and News12. You can reach her directly at [email protected].