What f...
Steve Blampied
Mindset Expert, helping professionals change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours & overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout. Healing minds - Unlocking potential
So many people get stuck in "what if".
"What if I do this and such and such happens?"
"What if it doesn't work?"
"What if I miss something?"
"What if I miss out?"
"What if I succeed?"
"What If" stops more way more people than any actual lack of ability.
"What If" steals your future.
But if you listen to your own "What If" thoughts,
and go running off down all those potential scenarios that haven't happened yet,
what you're actually doing is attempting to predict the future,
and life has a habit of throwing some pretty big curve balls, as we've recently all learned.
It can be tough to let go of those thoughts,
because they're linked to safety,
But if you can practice answering "What If"
"I'll prepare a contingency for that and move forward"
"I'll worry about that when I get there"
It does get easier.
A bigger question might be though...
If your "What If"s are really getting in your way.
Maybe it's really about your self-belief?
Maybe it's about your own beliefs about what you can handle?
Maybe it's your fear of not being able to cope if that "What If" comes true?
And that's a different subject entirely.
That's about building your self-belief and self-confidence,
developing resilience,
building a vision that pulls you through the tough times,
and surrounding yourself with people who will support you through the worst-case scenarios.
And that's something I'm working on for you right now.