What is Eye Miosis
Eye Miosis is the excessive constriction of the pupil that doesn't return to normal size. Also called pinpoint pupil.?
The black circle at the center of your eye is your pupil. It changes size thousands of times a day. When you're in dim light, it gets bigger to let in more light. When the light is bright the pupil will shrink to protect your eye and keep light out.
Many things can cause eye Miosis:
Miosis is commonly a symptom of something else not a disease in itself. Miosis can occur in one or both eyes. Miosis can be treated by treating the underlying condition. Whatever the underlying cause may be.?
If you find your pupils are not adjusting when they are supposed to. You should contact your vision care provider to find the cause, as there are some causes that may be serious. Your eye doctor will take a close look at your eyes in a dark room. The doctor will ask you to look at a faraway object. Then they'll check:
To find out if you have abnormal miosis, your eye care provider will consult with your PCP to come up with a plan to find the cause of your eye Miosis if it is found not to be a visual cause, but something systemic. Then move forward with a specialist if needed.