What to Expect when you Hire an Authenticity (Sensitivity) Reader.
Hiring an authenticity (also known as sensitivity) reader is one of the most important steps that you can take in your publishing journey to strengthen your book, whether you are an author or an editor. Sensitivity readers play a crucial role in helping authors avoid harmful stereotypes, biases, and inaccuracies, and in promoting diverse and inclusive storytelling.
Firstly, decide which marginalised group/specific identities/areas of expertise you need an authenticity reader for. This will usually be something you don't have first-hand experience or knowledge of. But what comes after that? How much will it cost? What will the feedback include? How helpful will the authenticity reader (and editing) be? I'll explore some frequently asked questions when it comes to clients hiring me.
What is an authenticity/sensitivity read?
It is a form of editing that involves evaluating the representation of marginalised communities. A reader from the group that appears in the book, (e.g. a South Asian reader examining a South Asian character, a trans reader examining a trans character, a character from a working-class background, a patient/character dealing with a certain health condition, etc), will evaluate the authenticity and portrayal of the representation of people from that group in the book.
Sensitivity readers are often individuals with personal, academic, or professional expertise in the specific cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other identity-related areas that the work is addressing. Their knowledge and perspective can provide valuable insights and guidance for both fictional and non-fictional works.
How much does it cost to hire an authenticity reader?
Sensitivity reading involves focused time, commitment and often significant emotional impact if the content exposes them to harmful stereotypes, tropes or casual bigotry. In some cases, it may trigger the reader's previous traumas by re-exposing them through the content of the book.
Pricing depends on the length of manuscripts, the needs of the client and the deadlines that the feedback needs to be returned by. Readers can be paid a flat fee, by the word, by the page or by the hour. The Editorial Freelancers Association has recommendations for pay rates.
What happens if the sensitivity reader is offended by the content of my book or finds inaccuracies?
A good reader will discuss these in a professional, collaborative and helpful manner and will offer suggestions, recommendations or alternatives to any ares of concern. A good author will be open to feedback and different perspectives that they may have overlooked. The authenticity reader will look at the whole context of the book and will discuss which parts need to be kept and which ones need to be re-worded to minimise harm and criticism.
Will the authenticity reader censor my work?
No! This is a common misconception, which is often dramatised by the media and the news. Sensitivity readers do not have the power to censor work as they don't have an active role in making final publishing decisions - the publishing house and its editors make these decisions. We offer our opinions, recommendations and suggestions which are based on lived experiences, professional/academic experiences or knowledge of something that the author/writer may not have. Everyone has the creative freedom to write what they want, but equally people are allowed to critique this written work, too.
With sensitivity or authenticity reading, that constructive criticism involves enhancing the quality of a work by ensuring it is respectful, accurate and inclusive. Sensitivity readers help to navigate the complexities of representing diverse identities and experiences in a responsible and ethical manner. Their input can lead to more authentic and meaningful work/books, significantly improving the literary quality of the book and ultimately benefiting both the creators and their audiences.
What will the feedback involve?
I usually read the whole manuscript and include comments in the margins of the document I'm reading. I then write a report and overall summary of the read, containing extended notes on my 'in-manuscript' comments, any stereotypes, inaccuracies, and some helpful recommendations and suggestions for the revision stage.
I also cannot ignore any proofreading or copy editing errors, (this is the mum/healthcare professional coming out in me, here!), and so I will highlight these in my comments boxes as part of my authenticity reading service.
Hiring a sensitivity/authenticity reader is simply asking another human for advice on something you may not be fully experienced with and knowledgeable of - it is a sensible thing to do in today's publishing world.
If you have any further questions or queries, or simply want to discuss further, reach out to me. My contact details are on my LinkedIn Profile Page.