What Exercise is Best for Optimal Health and Longevity? (Dr. Valter Longo), Edition 28
A Lesson from Centenarians
"In Okinawa, I heard stories of fishermen who never retire, and I watched a woman in her nineties dance with a large bottle on her head, something she did many times a week. When she wasn’t dancing, she enjoyed playing traditional Japanese musical instruments. In Calabria, 110-year-old Salvatore Caruso told me how he walked every day to the?oliveto?(olive grove) and how much labor his olive trees required. In?Loma Linda, the very long-lived Seventh-day Adventists are famous for their high levels of exercise, including walking fast and going to the gym."
For the rest of this article and much more health and longevity tips offered by the Blue Zones community, please navigate here.
Meanwhile, #stayhealthymyfriends