What Exactly Are Sweetbreads?
Rosario Ligresti MD FASGE
Chief of Gastroenterology: Hackensack Medical Center
Why Is This Newsletter Called "Sweetbreads"?!
Let me just get this out of the way now: sweet breads are not sweetbreads. Below are two links to help hammer this home further. Italians like both sweet breads, which really are sweet, and sweetbreads which are neither sweet nor bread.
Neither item is something you could quickly prepare on a weeknight after work. But you should consider preparing them on a weekend to enjoy with a nice crisp glass of white wine as well as a cup of espresso.
Sweet bread: Click here
My favorite is still pandoro and a good recipe can be found here.
Sweetbreads: Click here
Once you get past the horrifying "I'm eating pancreas" mental image, you will enjoy a smooth, delicate, savory and tender dish. A simple and delicious recipe is also found here.
Buon appetito!
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