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Motive and Motivation

A little-known and understood area of motivation is thinking about what is my purpose for doing this is. Having a reason is what drives people forward, and urges them to do bigger and better things with their careers, life and goals. You cannot spell Motivation without Motive.

For many people, the motive can be provided for their family. For others to is being 'the best' or it can just be the will to win, or the will to win. Material things inspire others and experience other people.

Generally, money is not a very good motive or motivator. No one wants a big pile of cash, they want a big pile of money to buy a house, nice things or go on that holiday they have always wanted.

Finding your motivation is about digging deeper into what you want. Once you have your "motive" and think about it clearly, you will be able to push ahead with focusing on the day job in an important, and successful manner.

My Own Motivational 'Motive' Journey

In my own regards, since starting out in my recruitment entrepreneurial journey, I have found that my motives have changed over the years. My periods of peak performance have been when I have had a clear purpose.

The biggest funks (in retrospect) have been caused by a lack of motive or a misalignment between my daily activities and my purpose. When I started the business achieve was to achieve freedom from corporate serfdom.

I hated being a recruitment battery hen, churning out CVs and BD calls and other KPIs for no other reason than "it was thus" from highers-up. Over the next four years, my motivation and motive changed to being able to live a life that I felt was authentic and in touch with what I wanted.

For nearly two years, I wanted to build a business that becomes another big recruiter, and this put me into numerous funks. After many sleepless nights souls searching, I realised two things:

  • I am motivated by teaching people (this blog fulfils this)
  • Having an impact on people's lives (recruitment does that).

So now my mission and motives are to have an impact on my 9-5 and then teach people to improve the positive impact they have during the recruitment process via my blog. Through this simple act, I get to both find my motivation and have an impact that far exceeds what I could in my day job.

How to find your own motivation

So how do you see your motive and thus your motivation? To find your purpose ask yourself the following three questions:

  1. If I won the lottery and money was not an issue what about my job would I still love to do, or get a heavy positive feeling from?
  2. What action or activity, would have the most significant positive impact on my professional or personal life?
  3. How would my day job look like if it helped me to personally grow?
  4. What three things do I want to achieve in the next 90 days in my professional life and personal life (three each)?
  5. What three things do I want to achieve in the next 365 days in my professional life and personal life (three each)?

Once you have answered the above questions, write out a one-page answer for each of them and then post the answers to yourself. When it arrives in the post if when you agree with what you have written bring all this detail into a five-bullet motivation mantra and read it out loud 10 times every morning for 90 days and then rinse and repeat.

Repeat the above questions if you do not agree with the answer until you finally agree with what you have written.

Thank you for reading this article.

Please note that I have written this book that you might find interesting: Recruitment Hacks ?


