What Everyone Needs to Know About Book Publishing: Part 2
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What Everyone Needs to Know About Book Publishing: Part 2
The Timeline: Production, Editorial, and Sales
For this second edition of what everyone needs to know about book publishing, we’re going to cover the timeline from when you hand over your manuscript to when your book is out in the world. It will cover the internal publishing processes for production, editorial, and sales. We’ll talk about timelines, when things happen, and who does what at your publisher. As always, I’ll remind you that these are very hard-working folks who are spread thin and truly do their best so send them a bit of thanks and understanding as you wade through this process.
I’ll preface this post by saying every publishing house is different, and timelines at small presses may be quite different from timelines at the Big 5. Some indies have very, very long timelines because they invest so much in each book. I’ve seen small houses that have galleys a year in advance and despite what many say, a big publishing house can turn on a dime when they want to even if it isn’t their typical process. But more often than not…Read More
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4/23: Greg Wrenn presents Mothership, Greenlight Bookstore
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