What everybody wants
Do you know, Why God gives us two ears but one mouth? So we can listen more than we speak. But most people barely even notice it. They just wanna talk and talk, never stopping talk.
We are too hurry to talk and giving our poor judgment that we don’t give a chance to speaking those who we love. We became a talking robot that we miss what our son, wife, friends, and colleges want to say to us.
One precious thing everyone needs to practice is giving more chances to speak to other people. Which I learned to form the Dead Sea and the Fish.
The Dead Sea and a Fish became friends when they joined a party. Dead sea loves to talk and over the next 100 days of their friendship- the Dead Sea told the fish more than thousands of stories about what happens to the sea before they became friends.
Days 101 and next, the fish didn’t come to meet the dead sea. Later dead sea finds out, someone caught the fish and roasted.
Before being caught, the fish share more than 500 stories in this journal. When dead sea read the journal -He regrets, the fish knew so much about him and he didn’t know a penny.
Believes, there is no greater gift than genuinely listening to a person, without interrupting or judging or inserting your opinions.
When someone talking, don’t give your judgment too fast. Wait, give a pause.
Most of the people are the Dead Sea and tiny percentages are the Fish. They just talk about themselves to feel good and important.
What are you really are? The fish or the Dead Sea.
Will you be the fish for a while?
Be, the magic will happen.
Stay happy, healthy, and productive. See you next Friday.