What ever happened to Peninnah?
Looking in while standing on the outskirts is super easy. My eyes see what they want to see, I perceive and highlight my favourite parts, I hula-hoop into my conclusions. And I am quietened. But did I pick everything? My conscience is always too satiated by my weighty equations- I never hear this question. If I were the one under the microscope, I’d ask the outsider too.
I was reading the bible story of Hannah and Peninnah a couple of weeks ago. And I glimpsed into Peninnah for a bit. She played the part of the wicked co-wife really well. She made Hannah’s tears even more compelling. And Eli was a great guy; especially to Hannah. And I felt sorry for Peninnah then. Was she truly born for the role she played so well or were the lemons of life too bitter for her lemonade? What squeezed her into the mould she chose? I stayed there for a bit, felt bad for justifying the villain; and moved on.
But history was written. And we all took note.
But what ever happened to Peninnah...