What is Ethical Production?
On the right hand side of the infographic it is conveyed that we follow the ETI base code. The ETI Base Code is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation; it is an international agreement about what the standards of ethical production should be worldwide. Jutexpo follows these set agreements.
Jutexpo have recieved an A grade for consumer standards, we are the leading company within our industry as we are the only company with this grade, for our particular products.
The left hand side of the infographic goes into detail about how auditing works. Auditors will visit a company and conduct their audit. They will then grade the company accordingly. All of the information about the audit will be transferred into the SEDEX database. This shares the company's audit information with customers using SEDEX. This database also allows customers to share any relevant information they have with suppliers. SEDEX ensures all information is legitimate and up to date, as well as enabling you to effectively share and manage supply chain information, with the aim of driving continuous improvement.
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