What is the estimated value of the Global Bio-Alcohols Market?

What is the estimated value of the Global Bio-Alcohols Market?

Bioalcohols?are key in protecting the environment from #greenhouse #gases and #globalwarming. Bioalcohols are biologically produced #alcohols and some of the most common bioalcohols are ethanol; and #propanol and #butanol to some extent. They are produced by the action of #microorganisms and #enzymes through the process of the #fermentation of sugars or starches. Bioalcohols are also produced through the fermentation of cellulose. The most common application of bioalcohols is their use as an alternative to #gasoline.

The global bioalcohols market is growing due to increasing scarcity of fossil #fuels and huge fluctuations in global crude oil prices. Due to the problem of global warming, which is caused by the emission of #carbondioxide #CO2 contributing to the greenhouse effect, bioalcohols are emerging as a popular alternative to traditional #fossilfuels. Due to the increasing use of bioalcohols, the carbon footprint is reduced, and hence there is a lucrative opportunity for the use of such substances as the fuel of the future. Combined with this, the rising use of bioalcohols in emerging #economies is fuelling the global bioalcohols market in a positive direction.

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Bioalcohols as a fuel of the future

Presently, bioalcohols are manufactured by the process of fermentation of biomass including #organicwastes. With latest technological advancements, the production of bioalcohols is increasing being derived from #cellulosic biomass usage, thus supporting the growth of the global bioalcohols market. Cellulosic #biomass comprises complex #sugar #molecules such as those found in switch grass and #corn. Due to the rapid advances made by #biotechnology, researchers have now devised a way to use this cellulosic biomass for improvements to fossil fuels.

There are distinct advantages of bioalcohols over fossil fuels in terms of emissions related to #sulphur , #nitrogenoxide, ground #ozone and #carbonmonoxide. The emission of such hazardous substances is reduced by mixing bioalcohols in fossil fuels. The only emissions that are generated by the use of bioalcohols are formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, that don’t have any effect on the surroundings. #Ethanol gases possess the property of having less atmospheric reactivity, and thus result in reduced oxidant formation. There are various hazardous substances that are emitted by the burning of fossil fuels, and some of them are even cancerous.

Bioalcohols Market: Leading Players

Some of the key manufacturers of #bioalcohols are

BASF Services Americas ,

Cool Planet ,

Fulcrum BioEnergy, Inc. .

Harvest Power LLC .

Mitsubishi Chemical Group


énergie Valero inc.

Mascoma LLC


Abengoa Bioenergia Brasil S.A.

Gevo, Inc.

Butamax Advanced Biofuels, LLC


#bioethanol #design #fireplace #bio #ethanol #interior #e #interiordesign #r #caminisumisura #biocamino #arredamento #caminobioetanolo #cbd #bioetanolo #camini #flame #m #madeinitaly #thanol #camino #bioethanolfireplace #fiamma #biodesign #caminididesign #caminiagas #fire #homedecor #biocaminetto #rivestimentocamino


