What Is "Essential"??
These days, when the question “What is Essential?” is asked, our first reaction is to think of jobs – is the work I do considered “essential” by the government? It’s an important question, because if what I do is not considered essential by the government, it can affect my ability to provide for my family. Perhaps more importantly, someone’s opinion of my work (who does not know me) now causes me to question my value – If my work is not essential, then what value am I creating or bringing to others?
Our business is considered essential – I am grateful for that. But as we figure out how to do our work in a world of greater restrictions, uncertainty and fear (around our physical health and financial stability), the real answer to the question “What is Essential?” is: Relationship. Relationship is essential. We were created for relationship, and now perhaps more than ever, the priority of relationship is really evident.
Our company communication during the COVID crisis has centered around this acronym: Y.O.U. – You; Others; Us. I am grateful to our Chief Operating Officer (and my son!) for this framework to help us make decisions and take action within the context of You; Others; Us. What is essential is relationship, and all that you think, say, and do affects you, and others, and us.
You: The very common illustration of taking care of yourself is when the flight attendant, during their pre-flight instructions, informs you that in the event of an emergency you should put on your own oxygen mask before you help someone else. You are obviously not much good to anyone else if you yourself are unable to breathe!
So, take in the “oxygen” that you need to live well. Many of us have a little more time on our hands – less commuting time; less time taking showers (at least in my case!) – take advantage of that time to exercise, read, pray. Maybe spend more time doing things like these and less time watching the news or spending time on social media. When you take care of You, you are then ready to be a source of oxygen for someone else – the co-worker who needs your help; the family member who needs to see you via Facetime or Zoom. Taking care of You is one of the best things you can do for others.
Others: What is “essential” is relationships – relationships that care, encourage, motivate, and inspire. I need to talk to people who get what I am going through – and frankly, I am going through very little compared to thousands of others. It’s a cliché that “we’re all in this together,” but we are, and we have the opportunity to encourage others that they are not alone.
Another common illustration: Picture yourself in a deep, deep hole, with no apparent way out. You see a person walk by and shout out for help, but they ignore you. Another person walks by, stops when he hears you, but all he says is, “If I were you, I would begin digging into the wall for a foothold …” You tune out the rest – his advice is not helpful. But the next person sees you, jumps down into the hole and says, “This is a deep hole! I’m sorry you’re here. But you know, I’ve been in a hole like this before and I know how to get out!”
We’re all in some kind of a hole right now. What hole can you find where you can help someone else? Help others by getting in, sharing your experience and resolve to get out together.
Us: At HOH, we have been communicating that while our circumstances have changed, we still have a job to do. We have customers to take care of; products to make; samples to analyze in our lab. We need, as one team, to succeed in achieving company objectives. You. Others.Us. is not just about relationships – it is also about results. Henry Cloud talks about the wake we leave behind us (like the wake of a boat or ship) – one side of the wake is “relationship” and the other side of the wake is “results.”
It’s just that when we take care of “You” (ourselves) and “Others”, we put ourselves in the best position to work together (“Us”) to accomplish the results that are expected of us.
So, the answer to the question “What is Essential?” is Relationship. I have said that I write these posts as a president of company and as a pastor, so let me just end by saying that we were created by God for relationship. We were created in His image, and He has always, eternally, existed in relationship – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And He knew that it was not good for Adam to be alone in the Garden of Eden – he needed a partner to share his life with. That’s when life in Eden was perfect – when there was deep, intimate relationship.
We’re not in the Garden right now; we’re in a hole. But if we are in that hole with someone who cares and who can help us get out, that’s a relationship that pleases God. Because I know this, I will look harder for those relationships in these strange days – the opportunity has probably never been greater.