“All theory is gray, my friend. But forever green is the tree of life" (Goethe)
Marx thought that "society is driven by man's material needs, and the economic steps taken to meet them. No piece of pseudo-science has been more influential than this one, and it is a measure of its a priori character that every practical application of Marxist theory has led not merely to tyranny, but to social and economic collapse."
-Roger Scruton
"I feel like a man again, because I experience a great passion, and the multiplicity of things in which study and modern culture entangle us, and the skepticism by which we must be brought to criticize all impressions, subjective and objective, are deliberately made to leave us small and weak and mournful and indecisive. But love, not for the man of Feuerbach, not for the metabolism of Moleschott, not for the proletariat, but love for the beloved, for you, this is what makes a man to be a man once again."
-Karl Marx