What is EOR (Employer of record) in India?
Rajendra R. Vaidya
Serial Entrepreneur | Founder of Remunance | Pioneering International PEO Solutions
EOR (Employer of record) in India is the most suitable setup for any foreign company that wishes to start its business operation in India without forming a subsidiary.
EOR becomes the legal employer of the Indian staff or the transferred expats of the foreign entity’s team in India.
Employer of record also takes care of all compliances of the team, payroll processes, tax computations, employee benefits & Govt. Regulations etc. This gives the foreign company an advantage to start operations quickly, focus on core business activities and get mentored to explore the Indian market.
As the business grows across different borders, employment laws and regulations get more complex especially in a country like India. Local EOR has the right network and access to the talent pool that makes hiring resources much easier for the foreign company. The EOR also can help find the best suitable working and living infrastructure and amenities for expats in India.
With this model, a foreign entity can build their team in India and work with them to support their existing business or flourish in the Indian market.
Remunance EOR gets you setup quickly anywhere across the country with right resources and infrastructure for your team to thrive in India.