What is the resolution of your being ?
Prashant Panigrahi
Cloud Digital Delivery Director II Business Excellence Assessor II 6-Sigma Black-Belt II Author II Self Actualization Coach II
Art of living is the art of knowing your life's purpose, by knowing yourself or knowing your being.?As one of the experiential scientists said;
"Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally, they are mechanical products of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained.?They don't know what or why they seek, nor why they never realize complete happiness. By evading self-analysis, people become robots, conditioned by their environment.?True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress."
Knowing who we truly are and from which inner space we operate implies that we need a plan to live meaningfully and purposefully.?To know what we want; we need to measure all possible dimensions of our life, qualitatively and quantitatively; i.e., experientially and experimentally.?
? Dr. R. David Hawkins' most significant contribution to humanity was the development of Applied Kinesiology, a muscle-testing technique that can assess the degree of awareness of individuals. With the help of a unique muscle-testing technique, Dr. Hawkins conducted more than 250,000 calibrations over 20 years. His research was focused on defining a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that can help us comprehend the consciousness of our being. Today, this range of values is known as the logarithmic scale that measures up to 1000 levels of consciousness - known as the Map of Consciousness (refer the pictorial view of map in title line)
His research discovered that man's kinesiologic response to a stimulus conveyed a capacity to differentiate positive from negative stimuli and the truth from falsity. According to him, the greatest weakness in humans is their inability to distinguish between truth and deception. Although the statistics from his research are arbitrary, the map is scaled from 1 to 1000, something that our linear, left-brained thinking can understand. Because the scale is logarithmic, 200 is not twice the power of 100. Instead, each number is the tenth power. So, the number on the scale represents algorithmic calibration (measurable vibratory frequencies on a scale that increases in 10th power). This means that even a slight change in the scale can greatly impact the being of person. Each level of consciousness (LOC) corresponds to observable human emotion, perspectives, or views on self or Life. Each level symbolizes a corresponding attractor field of diverse strengths that can exist beyond our three-dimensional world.
For example, the quality or disposition of the inner space a fearful being (100) is "frightening and anxiety," i.e., he/she operates with a frightful and anxious mindset. Hence, it perceives its life situation and stimulus as "punitive, dangerous, and threatening," and its primary emotion, behaviors', or response is "fear." People living under a dictatorship or with a previous history in an abusive relationship are at this level. Common fear at play in the professional world today is fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of challenges, and fear of loss, which disturbs mental health and inner well-being. ?
Similarly, if a man is operating or vibrating at 125 (desirous being) has the quality of the inner space as "disappointing and enslavement," i.e., the desirous being operates with a disappointed and enslaved mindset. Hence, they perceive their life situation and stimulus as "denying." Their primary emotion, behaviors', or response is "craving.”
At the level of 200 (i.e., courageous being), a huge transition occurs in human consciousness where right-brain dominance demonstrates the rise in influence of spiritual energy, and a shift occurs where the person now relies on Power then Force. In other words, they feel more empowered by nature than by struggling alone. In this range, input goes directly to the prefrontal cortex and the emotional Centre rather than the amygdala. This influence creates progressive awareness and opens us to the energy of love. These levels also increasingly align with truth and reality. People at this level can objectify as “seers' ' and get disidentified or un-entangled from “seen”; their aversion and cravings in real-time. In other words, they are equanimous. Einstein, Freud, Newton, and Aristotle are the most famous geniuses of all time - all calibrated around 499.
The consciousness, vibration, and energy of inner space vary with time and life situations; it is not constant at all points of time in life. Suppose you were expecting your promotion last week, but it got delayed, putting you in fear of failure, and then you became angry today with your boss as you did not get it. So, your inner space moved from desire (125) to fear (100) and then to anger (150) within a week. Suppose you plan to attend a motivational session tomorrow morning, then your inner space will move to courage (200) or willingness (310). Next day, suppose you know tomorrow evening that your daughter became a national topper in a talent hunt; your inner space will move to pride (175). ?In the VUCA world ( volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) , most of professionals are living with fluctuations below the courage line (200)
Also as per Dr. R. David Hawkins's study, around 78% people on the planet are living as cowardly (i.e., energy level below 200). As per Vedic science people in this zone are suffering with continuous aversion and craving; which forms a entanglement trap between life and life scenario (called as Askati in Sanskrit). Dr. R. David Hawkins's also says, people with energy level of 600 can positively influence and inspire 10 Mn+ people. These statistics are before the emergence of social media. In summary, higher is the energy of being, higher is our intelligence, experience and expression of life.
Now question is, how to (a) avoid fluctuations of energy of our being; even if your life-scenario changes? (b) continuously enhance the energy of your being and stay above courage (>200) to experience a high resolution life ?
Kindly share your view.
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1 年That's the Power of NOW!
Client Partner - nbnco
1 年But now I am described by my Neuro Psychologist as a right brain dominant even after it was where the accident impacted. So as my capacity comes back, I can relate to the 200 courageous level which is what outsiders describe me as when they see me working at recovery.
Client Partner - nbnco
1 年Prashant - this is very interesting to me as unfortunately I had an accident while riding a cycle in May 2020 when I was hit by a car. I was in a coma for four weeks, then post traumatic amnesia for nine weeks. By Neuro-surgeon standards this is a very serious injury. Then I spent a long time doing extra rest for my brain and also affected by other problems in my body from the multi-trauma.