What Will the End of the 21st Century Look Like?
John Martin, 'The Plain of Heaven' 1851 Tate gallery

What Will the End of the 21st Century Look Like?

The New Pastoral Economy in the post computer age.

I grew up in the idyllic countryside of Southeast England. I lived in several villages outside of Cambridge which is one of the oldest college towns in the world. I spent much of my youth outdoors: not in a fit hiking way, just outside because there was nothing better to do. I also spent hundreds of hours reading medieval stories, greek and roman history, the history of the rise and fall of Europe and the succession of the democratic experiment called the United States.

Living in such a long habituated part of the world, you get this deep rooted feeling of past generations. For example, behind our house in Little Eversden there was a Roman rd. Meaning a pathway that people had been using for over 2000 yrs. There is a church in Cambridge that was built in 1130, its doorway stands at less than six feet tall because 900 yrs ago very few Britons were tall. Five miles behind my house through rolling wheat fields and copses of old oak and beech trees is Wimpole hall, built in 1640 - having a ‘Folly’ added in 1769. A Folly is a fake architectural addition, in this case it was a medieval castle ruins. That’s right: a new construction of ruins built to look old.

Wimpole Folly, Wimpole Hall Cambs Uk

 It functioned as a game tower to prevent peasants from poaching the Earle of Hardwicke’s dear and boar. If you climb the exterior wall to the third story, you can get in a norman arch window where you will see grafitti dating back 3 centuries. In this tower, I carved a space ship in 1983 and “Harold woz ere” in honor of the last saxon king of England who fell to Norman the Conqueror with an arrow to the eye and Isaac Azimov, one of the most prescient humans to have lived in the 20th century, a prolific science fiction writer and modern philospher.

With generation after generation of footsteps before you, it ingrains a sense of shared place and a desire to preserve what is there, even as you build something new. I don’t feel this same time honored community of place in the States. Here in America, you feel Manifest Destiny, that the hugeness of the country allows you freedom to expand and explore as a right. I believe this feeling must transition to a more mature outlook of stewardship. We have expanded from coast to coast, from the island of Puerto Rico to the glaciers of Alaska. It's quite an acheivement that is emphasized by the fact that America only dominated the world stage from the beginning of the 20th century.

International space station image by NASA

Early religions like the “Derwydd” (Welsh Druids) in England likely worshipped the Sun, and believed in the immortal soul. I consider this a recognition of God’s glory, of the eternal presence of light in our lives and how light sustains life. For me the pursuit of solar energy is the path of the sublime. It is noble to fight for a belief that brings prosperity and progress to more than yourself. Whether selfish or selfless, this is the underlying premise of democracy and the philosophy of America’s founders.

Some people remember a time before computers. a simpler time in many ways where a Russian attack involved hiding under your school desk so that your nuclear shadow would confuse future archaeologists. I bring this up because, yes, times were simpler. My wife reminded me of a time when you simply showed up at someone's house to see if they were in! A time when kitchen telephone cords were forty feet long and there we only 3 major television stations. A time when if you missed something on TV, you had to hope it was syndicated and you could see it the following year. No video, cell phone, computers, Netflix, Facebook, or working from home unless you were a farmer. But were they truly simpler? I'm not so sure. We worked to eat at the same company for our entire lives. We had less free time and more division. We were less mobile and more tribal with discord between people - sometimes codified by laws that were racist or sexist.

Today, we are faced with an onslaught of media vying for our attention and the news is no longer trusted as a source of general conditions in the world. We will soon have self driving vehicles on the road and, in decades to come, robots performing most of the mundane tasks on a factory floor. We should not fear these events; we should embrace them. And here's why...

The idyllic memories we have of a pastoral world with enough resources for everyone was really only available for 25% of the world’s population. Family farms worked because we didn’t have fully integrated worldwide logistics systems. Small utilities serving a few hundred thousand customers worked because we didn’t fully electrify the US until the 1970s! 

With the complexity of the technological world comes the freedom of modernity. In less than 15 years, a start-up company had designed, launched, and control-landed Rockets. Because of the vision and drive of today's entrepreneurs, we are able to achieve complexities of flight that our NASA counterparts of the 1960s could not even contemplate as viable.

Alex Wells illustration of the Foundation Series by Isaac Azimov

In the essay "What is Money", Bastiat hypothosized, “And if gold is considered to be riches, the natural conclusion is, that displacements of fortune take place among men, but no general progress.” Value is determined by arbitrary decisions from the few who have both power and money. The fiat of value in today’s world will have to give way to things that bring actual progress. A truly sustainable culture is needed in the United States and the world. Manifest destiny and expansion West worked in the pre-industrial world, but we as Americans have to mature to a competitive world with upward opportunity - but only for those who bring value and progress. Almost the entire US banking system needs to be re-cast as a lean vehicle for innovation, rather than a bloated-castle, hoarding the digits on a trillion transactions. Building companies should be handsomely rewarded; it is difficult and challenging, but the hyper acute concentration of wealth should not move past the founders generation.

We need to recognize that our true nature is almost viral. We are damaging our host, and if we don’t create a symbiotic relationship with integral value to this world and beyond, we will not be able to continue our current path. The math will simply not support it. Expansion is the key for this transition because new materials and resources will support exploration and the building of new habitats. The offworld jobs of the late 21st century will be technical. They will be as dangerous as sailing the Atlantic, and the rewards will be as bountiful. But prior to that, if the majority of simple tasks are automated (driverless vehicles will supplant 15% of the global workforce) then at least 25% of the population will be unemployable by centuries end based on today’s education standards and future needs.

 All of these people have untapped value. After centuries of pressure to act under the laws of the jungle, 20th century education and our current quasi-capitalist philosophy will not move the general psyche to aspire to self determination. Starting today, based on our current technological advancement and environmental impacts, we need to move to the laws of physics and progress.

This consumerist society must end by the middle of this century and be molded to a new standard of internal acheivement with external goals of minimum impact. It is following small-minded lemmings to the cliff to blindly allow elected leaders to talk of business and economic impacts, deficits, and fiscal liabilities without a clear, resounding ‘Manhattan Project’ like National and international mandated goal of zero emissions, autonomous consumption and equitable trade.

Tomorrow’s world will have a Universal living wage; not a handout, but a minimum quality of life payment to allow people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. It will be a difficult transition, but money, after all, is an artifical construct allowing two parties to trade something of value. The best and brightest will still have the capitalist avenue for growth and wealth, but the least driven of us will have a minimum standard of life to also pursue their goals or to to realize the pastoral life that may never have existed before. People are afraid of change. Dystopian pictures of a zombie future aren’t the only potential outcome for this pale blue dot and all who inhabit her. Celebrating our individual capabilities in pursuit of prosperity for all is possible. Here’s to a limitless future.


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