the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization
the giving of an ability; enablement or permission
I don’t fully agree with this dictionary definition of Empowerment.
It implies that one person is bestowing something on another in a give-and-take situation. However, to me, it sounds like the giver is in some way superior to the receiver.
Almost like ‘I have power or authority that I can choose to share with you - or not!'.
I see empowerment as an equitable give-and-take relationship where I recognise in you the personal strengths and qualities that may be invisible to you, and I help you to see them for yourself, always with the intention of making life better.
You do the same for me.
When that happens, we are empowered by each other’s empowerment and both go on to empower others.
Together we create a beautiful, gentle global ripple effect.
This becomes a subtle but powerful movement that lifts hearts, minds and spirits for the good of all – one beautiful soul at a time.
I call this The Empowerment Effect.
It’s the rising tide lifting all boats that are willing and able to be lifted.
The key here is ‘willing and able’.
Not everyone is ready to hear the message of inside-out transformation.
Not everyone has the energy for the deep, personal work required to reach their full potential.
Not everyone is receptive to recognising their true value right now.
The Empowerment Effect process is for those who have become aware the need for personal, positive change, acknowledged that change is an inside-out dynamic, and are ready to take whatever action is necessary to experience that transformation.
Want to know more?
There’s a free eBook here