What are employers looking for in future employees and can candidates meet the high expectations?
Looking through job adverts you cannot fail but notice that employers are looking for more than knowledgeable candidates, they want more. Skills known as ‘soft skills’ are now equally as important or even more important. Employers want employees that are workplace ready, that can hit the ground running and make a difference immediately. However, traditional education is based on learning from a textbook, learning facts and developing hard skills only. At ABMA Education we are passionate about the quality of education delivered, but we are equally passionate about how our learners develop key ‘soft skills’ or ‘employment skills’.
By using our extensive knowledge in the world of education and using leading industry and employment experts, we have created qualification content that bridges the gap between education and employer needs. We have worked hard to produce qualifications that provide the knowledge needed, whilst developing the skills required to implement it into the workplace. We have done this by including the use of soft skills in our learners’ everyday studies.
Lecturers encourage learners to grow their soft skills and topic knowledge at the same time through research projects, discussion groups and enabling learners to ask more questions. They urge learners to read beyond the subject, inspiring them to form their own opinions and to be able to discuss these with others in class debates and presentations.
Through this our learners become more confident, enthusiastic, ambitious graduates looking to become driven future employees. They can put forward questions, opinions and ideas. They understand how to problem solve, to be part of a team and appreciate the benefits of doing so. ABMA Education learners are individuals, they have grown their skills and knowledge and will not have just learnt from a book. They want to make a difference and are ready to do so.
Our learners can prove their knowledge and demonstrate their skills at an interview because an ABMA Education learner is workplace ready. They know how to explain, discuss, and demonstrate, it is part of their skill set and they have the potential to make a difference.
What is do you look for in your future employees?
Find out more about ABMA Education and our qualifications at www.abma.uk.com