What Employers Look For in Potential Employees

What Employers Look For in Potential Employees

Many people think that landing a job is as simple as showing up to an interview and telling the interviewer what they want to hear. They assume that if they get an offer, then it's game over. This couldn't be further from the truth! Employers know how many candidates are applying for each position, so they're looking for reasons not to hire you rather than reasons to take a chance on you. You need to prove that you're worth their time and effort by showing them how much value you can bring to their business. That's why it's so important to give your best effort no matter what stage of the process you're in: interviewing, negotiating benefits packages or salary offers, working as part-time employee while pursuing other opportunities, or even starting up your own business without knowing exactly how things will pan out (but trusting that it will). Even if everything doesn't go according to plan (and sometimes even when it does), at least you'll have given it everything you had.

The ability to take direction.

One of the most important characteristics employers look for in potential employees is the ability to take direction. Good employees are able to listen and follow directions from others, whether it's from a supervisor or co-worker, customer, vendor or even another employee. Employers want people who can be trained and can learn new skills quickly. They don't want someone who is going to need constant handholding throughout their employment because they cannot make simple decisions on their own without being told every step of the way what you should do with each task given them.

In order to successfully complete a job task, employees must be able to take criticism and feedback on how they've done so far without feeling like they've failed completely as a human being (unless there truly was no other option). If you have an issue with taking direction from your superiors or peers at work then you will likely not thrive in many workplaces unless there is an open door policy where everyone has access to management at any time with questions or concerns about things happening within their department/office space

Show your personality.

When you’re applying for a job, the employer is not just looking for someone who can do the work. They want to know if you are a good fit for their company. In order to determine this, they want to see that you have personality traits that will contribute positively both in the workplace and to their company as a whole. Before applying, take some time to think about how your personality has been shaped by past experiences and how it might be similar or different from other people’s personalities. You should also consider what kind of personality you would like your career path to reflect over time—and then use that as an opportunity to show off what makes YOU unique.

Your education and experience aren't everything.

While you may have been told that your education and experience are everything, it’s not true. Your ability to work hard, regardless of what job you are applying for, is more important than anything else. If your resume doesn’t show that you have worked hard in a previous job or internship opportunity, then there’s nothing on paper that makes this employer think any differently about whether or not they should hire you.

In some cases (such as internships), employers will look at your academics as indicators of how well-rounded and prepared you are for their organization. In other cases (like full-time jobs), however, they will always look at your work ethic first and foremost when evaluating whether or not to offer an interview.

It's not necessarily a race against other candidates-it's a race against yourself.

As you progress through the application process, it's important to remember that employers are looking for more than just a good resume and cover letter. The interview is your chance to show off your skills, personality and values—and it's not necessarily a race against other candidates-it's a race against yourself.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare:

  • Decide what kind of job you're looking for and make sure it aligns with both your interests and your strengths. Don't shy away from positions outside of your comfort zone because they may be the ones that will help define who you become professionally over time.
  • Think about what qualities make up an excellent employee at this company or organization; then consider how those qualities might fit into their culture based on what information is available online (i.e., articles about their mission statement). For example, if one piece shows that employees get along well with each other by recognizing everyone's unique contributions towards success, then being collaborative might be an important trait for consideration during an interview process for positions within this organization because collaboration helps foster trust among peers which builds better relationships among teams overall."

You may not need to change yourself to land a job but you should still be willing to change how you think.

You may not need to change yourself to land a job but you should still be willing to change how you think.

Employers want people who are open-minded and willing to learn new skills. They also like candidates who are able, when presented with new ideas or approaches, to accept that there is always more than one way of doing things—and perhaps even get excited about trying them out for themselves.

If your current workplace doesn't value these qualities in its employees, then it's time for a career change. You don't need to reinvent yourself completely but you should at least be willing (and eager!) to try something new.

The interview is just the beginning.

The interview is just the beginning. It's a chance to get to know the company and the people you might work with. It's also a chance to learn about the company culture and its values, as well as its mission and goals.

The interview process can sometimes feel like a one-sided exchange of information between interviewer and interviewee; however, it's important that you consider whether or not this is an opportunity for you as well.

If you left in bad circumstances, own up to it and move forward with a plan for improvement.

If you made a mistake at your last job, don't be afraid to admit it and move forward with a plan for improvement. Employers want to see that you can learn from your mistakes and grow as an employee. You can also explain why the situation occurred in the first place, and how it has changed since then. For example: “I took too many personal calls at my previous job because I was used to having fewer responsibilities at my old job. Since then, I've learned how important it is for me to focus on work 100% of the time so that I don't get distracted by outside factors."

Think about what you bring to the table when you're negotiating your salary or benefits package.

The next step is negotiating salary, benefits and other perks. This can be a daunting experience for many people, but it's important to remember that you aren't at the mercy of your employer. You have valuable skills and experience that they are interested in obtaining—remember this when negotiating your salary or benefits package.

Be honest about what you want from the job (and how much), but also be prepared to talk about why the company should pay you what they do not want to pay now. If they balk at any requests, ask them why not? Be persistent: don't let anyone take advantage of your desperation by underpaying or overworking you! A good rule of thumb is "if they aren't offering anything else," ask yourself if it's worth taking on this position with no additional incentives besides what was originally offered versus another opportunity where more has been promised upfront (or upon employment).

Don't shy away from short-term gigs or projects that may lead to more work.

Don't shy away from short-term gigs or projects that may lead to more work.

When you're looking for a new job, it's tempting to focus on the long game: what your next position will look like and where you want your career to go. But as employers get more selective about who they'll hire, they're also looking for people who are eager and ready to go right now—and not just tomorrow or next week.

In other words, if someone hires you for a one-off project or two months' worth of temporary work without an offer of full-time employment at the end of it, don't think this means there's no opportunity for upward mobility in their company. It may take some time before any new job comes along (if it ever does), so make sure you're always looking out for opportunities that can benefit both sides even though they might not be ideal in terms of pay or length of employment

Always do your best, even if it doesn't seem like much at the time.

  • Don't be afraid to ask questions. In fact, you should always be asking questions. You don't have to know everything and it's okay if you don't, but keep your eyes open for opportunities to learn something new and improve yourself.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. If there's something going on at work that is beyond your level of expertise or understanding, speak up! Your boss won't think any less of you (and may even respect you more) if he sees that you're proactive and willing to learn. Plus, it'll give him a chance to show off his knowledge while helping out one of his employees!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for raise: Asking for a raise doesn’t mean that everyone gets one—it might not even happen immediately—but this kind of forward-thinking shows initiative on behalf of the employee which is an important quality in all employees who want their career path aligned with their values as well as being able-minded enough so they won’t waste time resisting change when necessary instead focusing on improving themselves every day so they can perform better than anyone else would ever expect them too overcome obstacles such as intimidation by authority figures like higher ups or managers etcetera...

Don’t be discouraged if your first few interviews don't land you a job. Nor should you let yourself get too excited if someone offers to call back after they've reviewed your resume; it's just one step in the process. Remember that the interview is only one part of getting hired, but it's a very important one! You want to be prepared for all aspects of this meeting as much as possible so that you come off looking like an ideal candidate for whatever position might be open up soon at their company or organization. It's also important not to let yourself get too wrapped up in worrying about whether or not "this is going well" because there are many factors involved during an interview outside our own control (i.e. who else shows up with whom).


The Lord Jesus Has Brought Me This Far | Television Producer | Broadcast Media | BA Journalism

2 年

Thank you, this helped a lot. Bless you



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