What the "Emails" Really Represent
Dr. Manuel "Manny" Losada, PsyD, J.D.
Teacher, writer, school counselor, philosopher poet. Over 1 million + post impressions (multiple posts) and over 9 million+pi on diff. topics; Cuban American; former Navy/USMC. Goals: Attend Harvard; practice law.
The views expressed are the writer's ONLY, and not those affiliated with the writer, including employers, past or present.
You see and hear many jumping onto the bandwagon of gossip, which is the extent of what the emails seem to represent to those licking their chops, salivating, chomping at the bit. It just exposes our animalistic side that we try so hard to feign in our attempt to cultivate a squeaky clean image. What eventually is going around now, will end up coming back to bite us. Fairness is one of the staples of our American democracy, and as a consequence, more and more of our esteemed leaders will be required to cough up their emails, personal or otherwise.
Any and all hacking incidences will carry a presumption of "carelessness" on the user's part, and with that, a warrant (and possible indictment): an imprimatur to check a lifetime's worth of emails. At the end of the day, it's nothing more than dirt, worthy only of coverage, if any, in a sleazy periodical somewhere. Would we rather have a bankrupt business model to go on, literally, and a Trump University that uses false pretenses to deprive unsuspecting clients of their hard-earned cash, allegedly, or a Clinton Foundation that serves the needs of children and families around the world? A mistake that can be shored up, or in the alternative, a totalitarian demeanor that is a threat to our principles, including respect for women, valued diversity, thoughtful discourse and deliberation, and measured responses? "They that cannot govern themselves cannot govern others," the proverb says. Trump supporters like Hannity, and like Chaffetz, have gone about as if they are above reproach. Let them show us their emails!
The world is changing. They want to remain on the old playground when there's a new stadium being built right around the corner. They want to wallow in the same old mud. To borrow another line from Harriet Beecher Stowe (citing the Good Book), "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be; - they ate, they drank, they planted, they builded, and knew not till the flood came and took them.'" How long have they been panning for gold and found nothing of substance, but perhaps a few personal sundries? How long will they keep panning when there are new damns that have yet to be built? Enough of this childish play.
No one knows, or knew, the law of the jungle (or what is inside of man, his hypocrisy) better than Rudyard Kipling, except the One who gave his life up in an attempt to remove us from this heap. In "Bagheera," Kipling declares, "In the cage my life began; Well I know the ways of Man. By the broken lock that freed-Man-cub, 'ware the man-cub's breed! Scenting-dew or starlight pale, Choose no idle, tree cat trail. Pack or council, hunt or den, Cry no truce with Jackal-Men. Feed them silence when they say: 'Come with us an easy way.' Feed them silence when they seek, Help of thine to hurt the weak. Make no bandar's boast of skill; Hold thy peace above the kill. Let no call nor song nor sign, Turn thee from thy hunting-line."
Comey, despite his semblence of being non-partisan, is no exception, in this writer's opinion. Some may argue that he was acting impartially, without any intent to promote one political party over the other, merely making known two contiguous pieces of evidence: that which was initially investigated, and now, that which has been discovered. Yet he has surreptitiously, in this writer's opinion, manifested an instinctive skill (and kill) long known to man, survival, or the desire to maintain his credibility in tact. He is a Republican, after all. But that, in and of itself, does not prove an intent to promote. What does, in this writer's opinion, was his knowledge of the outcome. If one shoots into a crowd, one may not purpose that a specific individual be killed, however, one does know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the consequences of one's actions will result in someone getting killed. In this case, again, in this writer's opinion, intent can be presumed from the foreseeable consequences of one's actions. This is what the legal side of me is telling me.
The psychological voice, on the other hand, is telling me that Comey is like a young child, in this writer's opinion, who has finally caved, and who is desperately trying to make up for his initial finding of innocence on the part of Hillary, in response to those tireless voices who have been on a witch hunt all these years, because they find nothing more offensive than someone who represents the majority class, and a woman at that, yet who wants to do more for those who have been perceived as living on the other side of that fence. There is nothing more threatening to them than this kind of an America, the emails being just a ruse.
God bless the U.S.A.