what else did journalists get wrong in bridging web2,1, 0 - can every youth unite save web3 media? now!
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
Dedication steve jobs * fazle abed * adam smith - what if world's number 1 job creating entrepreneurs were scottish that's before these ai genii helped marry ai and ed and human intel & UN sdgs !!
ED: Mail [email protected] to share question of humansai.com - for example we've been asking Chatgpt for historical examples of entrepreneurs who advanced humanity and who locally in each region is now applying AI to advance humanity. My friends Diaspora Scots and women empowerment entrepreneurs turn up some interesting educational journeys- how's your region or most trusted practice network do https://innovations.ning.com https://www.worldrecordjobs.com
Pic shows 170 who brainstormed with Guterres what intel UN would need at start of sdgs last decade . Chatgpt is helping diarise who continued to celebrate UN & millennials sdgs- ask [email protected] for latest ticker
ED: EJ this week saw some of the world's saddest or baddest journalists get a spanking; as founder of worldclassbrands 1987, i would have preferred they and other hate-led soundbiters were jailed for life but then weirdly 4 generations of my family have either been in nursing, teachers, social justice or media as have our diaspora scots friends of adam smith the world over
- it hurts seeing noisy media people ruin communities' majority of caring peoples trusts and chances to build good families. At 70 in 2020s (compared with my 30s in 1980s when I helped harvard/mit code with Express world's first databank on what peoples world over most wanted from big corporates and their brand leaders) i thought by 2020's lockdown I'd seen every unkindness man and abusing nature could perpetrate but then Putin took it to a newly risky level and instead of american people blaming family trump for enabling putin - we're at ever accelerating risk of octogenerian mindsets dominating airwaves and steering usa into big brothered hell instead of little sister communities for all
All sorts of fake stories are lobbied/bred out of wash dc where EconomistDiary.com has been co-located since my daughter was born in 1997-surely to goodness we 8 billion brains of the 20-20s are naturally and cooperatively smarter than hubs of the world's champion liars-
If will sshakespeare was around today HOW MIGHT HE replay - "all the world's a stage" instead of every one of us "poor players" meaning nothing to agents of superpowering old men - can web3 END HOW over-commercial media since 1945 has so often raced noisily and thoughtlessly into making APPs of all human intel worse unless enough of us demand openness to map better. Today, that's the worldwide challenge out of every GPS where life is grown or extinguished. . Ivory tower profs sitting in riches GPS dont need to waste millennials time on ethics of AI -its only what human intel spins anyhow!! So we'll soon be interrupting this artcile with goodnews humansAI April
But first Happy 100th Dad! while I would like to ask you all for help as 2025 reporters, yes its fair to ask (mea culpa) why didn't my family (or I) do better in exploring the ups and downs of journalism ever
ED NormanMacrae.net ...since my father spent his last days as a teenage navigator in allied bomber command burma; with good fortune of survival, he may have found 3 optimal mentors as a young adult - keynes, geoffrey crowther who had just rewritten history (centenary archives of the economist 1943-1843) and von neumann- neumann gave dad the greatest journalist scoop- what goods can people unite wherever they are first to have access to at least 100 times more intel every decade-
==================== we interrupt this newsletter with FFL's good news on AI for April
About 7,300 results?(0.42 seconds)?
Fei-Fei Li?Retweeted ... now sent to the Congress for consideration. https://ai.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/NAIRR-TF-Final-Report-2023.pdf…
FFL videos april
@StanfordHAI The #AIIndex2023 shows that AI is starting to rapidly accelerate scientific progress - from aiding hydrogen fusion to generating new antibodies. Today , our co-director @drfeifei and @deepmind ’s @demishassabis (see recent 60 mins) discuss the promise of AI in advancing scientific discovery
YouTube?·?60 Minutes 27 minutes, 21 seconds 43:09 Artificial Intelligence Revolution; Unlikely Adventures of David ... 27:21 Exploring the human-like side of artificial intelligence at ... 2:24 Google unveils never-before-seen text-to-video AI tool in this ...
3 days ago?—?WASHINGTON,?DC?–?APRIL?26,?2023?– The Center for Strategic and ... German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence;?Fei-Fei Li, Ph.D.,?...
934 results?—?... Intelligence with Condoleezza Rice and Dr.?Fei-Fei Li?on Tuesday,?June?30, 2020 at 11AM PT/ 2PM ET. ...?Wednesday, April 26, 2023 12:00 PM PT.
Mar 31, 2023?—?Read AI -?April 2023?by ai-magazine on Issuu and browse thousands of ...?Fei-Fei Li?is one of Stanford University's most influential tech?...
Apr 11, 2023?... January 19, 2021; John Etchemendy and?Fei-Fei Li, “National Research Cloud: Ensuring the Continuation of American Innovation,” Stanford?...
Nov 13, 2018?—?Fei-Fei Li?has a plan to fix that—by rebooting the field she helped invent. ... Here Are the Skills You Need to Succeed in Tech in?2023.
Published Mar 8,?2023?... For example,?Fei-Fei Li, a computer scientist and professor at Stanford University, has been at the forefront of developing?...
Fei-Fei Li?(simplified Chinese: 李飞飞; traditional Chinese: 李飛飛; born 1976) is a Chinese-American computer scientist who ... Retrieved January 10,?2023.
?| Must include: dc
about the task force National Artificial Intelligence Initiative (.gov) https://www.ai.gov?? nairrtf On January 24,?2023, the NAIRR Task Force submitted its final report to the ...?Fei-Fei Li, Sequoia Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and?...
Sep 11, 2018?—?Fei-Fei Li, an artificial intelligence expert at Stanford University, ...?April 18, 2023) and Privacy Policy (updated January 24,?2023).
Apr 11, 2023?—?changeteacher's progress update -?April?11th,?2023?... Under rubric "DC?learning www.ai.gov"?fei-fei li?explained goodchatgpt,?...
In the event that we hold our?2023?annual meeting of stockholders more than ...?Fei-Fei Li?has served as a member of our board of directors since May 2020.
Jul 6, 2021?—?by?Fei-Fei Li, opinion contributor - 07/06/21 12:30 PM ET ... Rising:?April 25, 2023. by TheHill.com 04/25/23 11:21 AM ET.
June?1, 2022 ... Directors' Conversations are curated discussions between HAI Denning Co-Directors?Fei-Fei Li?and John Etchemendy ... 10:02AM - Apr 11,?2023.
Dec 13, 2017?—?"I believe AI and its benefits have no borders," said?Fei-Fei Li, ... on his way to board Marine One on?April 21, 2023?in Washington,?DC.
Mon, Apr 03, 2023 @ 10:00 AM?-?11:00 AM. Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical ...?Fei-Fei Li, Prof. ... 5 year position in Washington?D.C.?(DOES NOT DEPLOY).
2023?2022 2021 2019 2018. All Past Conferences ...?Fei-Fei Li, leader in artificial intelligence, answers at C100 Annual Conference 华人在美或将被禁涉足敏感?...
by D Gu?·?2023?—?arXiv:2304.06381v1 [cs.DC]?13 Apr 2023?... and?Fei-Fei Li. ... Seoul, Republic of Korea,?June?21 - 24, 2022, pages. 1877–1894. ACM, 2022.
Jan 5, 2021?—?... Diane Sawyer, Elie Wiesel,?Fei-Fei Li, and Janet L. Yellen. ... Gabriel Cabanas and Natalia Feinberg?April?18,?2023?Renewing America.
Feb 12, 2023?—?Jia Deng · Wei Dong · Richard Socher ·?Fei-Fei Li?...?April 2023?· Neural Processing Letters. Mostafa Boskabadi; [...] Mahdi Doostparast.
sooncoming soon live5?April 2023?at 11:30 am EDTHigh Performance Blueprint ... absence of scheduled keynote speaker, Dr.?Fei Fei Li, Nita Patel leads a “…
May 18, 2017?—?... and are built for just the kind of number crunching that drives machine learning today,” said?Fei-Fei Li, chief scientist ...?06.04.2023.
28?April 2023. yoga teacher ratnesh pandey ... How we teach computers to understand pictures |?Fei Fei Li?... Dr. Eric Berg?DC.
YouTube?·?yoga teacher ??ratnesh pandey?·?23 hours ago
Mar 12, 2021?—?Fei-Fei Li, Sequoia Professor Computer Science at Stanford University; Co-Director of Stanford ...?April 2023?Modern Materials Handling.
Jun 16, 2021?—?Vianai also announced that?Fei-Fei Li, Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI will be ... Wednesday, 26?April,?2023.
Jun 22, 2021?—?... Michael V. Volin, Ph.D. of Midwestern University;?Fei-Fei Li, Ph.D., ...?2023. - FAS.org - All rights reserved by the Federation of?...
Nov 15, 2016?—?The group will be led by?Fei-Fei Li, an artificial intelligence professor at Stanford University, and researcher Jia Li. ...?2023?Reuters.
AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0 | NIST January 26,?2023?... OpenAI Dr.?Fei-Fei Li, chairperson of the board and co-founder, AI4ALL OpenAI was?...
Washington,?DC: The National Academies Press. ...?FEI-FEI LI?(NAE/NAM), Stanford University ... Copyright ?2023?National Academy of Sciences.
Introducing our latest edition of Scale Zeitgeist:?2023?AI Readiness Report. Products ...?Fei Fei Li?profile picture. TransformX 2022.
Oct 30, 2019?—?On our first day, for example, we attended?Fei-Fei Li's?lecture on “Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society. ... WPRI 12.?April 24, 2023.
Feb 7, 2023?—?Publication date: 7 February?2023?... wrote?Fei-Fei Li, Google Cloud chief AI scientist, 'but avoid at ALL COSTS any mention or implication?...
April?18, 2019 ... and?Fei-Fei Li, a professor of computer science at Stanford who recently completed a sabbatical serving as a vice ... March 27,?2023.
Mar 19, 2021?—?In 2007,?Fei-Fei Li?of Stanford University in California and her colleagues decided to train computers to ... By Megan Sever?April?20,?2023.
Sep 9, 2019?—?Our speaker is [Dr.]?Fei-Fei Li, professor of computer science and co-director of the Stanford ... Volume 19 ? Issue 4 ??April 2023.
Related searches fei-fei?li?husband fei-fei?li?twitter fei-fei?li?google scholar
The Business Journals https://www.bizjournals.com?? news ? 2018/09/11 ? g... Sep 11, 2018?—?Fei-Fei Li, an artificial intelligence expert at Stanford University, ...?April 18, 2023) and Privacy Policy (updated January 24,?2023).
Apr 11, 2023?—?changeteacher's progress update -?April?11th,?2023?... Under rubric "DC?learning www.ai.gov"?fei-fei li?explained goodchatgpt,?...
In the event that we hold our?2023?annual meeting of stockholders more than ...?Fei-Fei Li?has served as a member of our board of directors since May 2020.
Jul 6, 2021?—?by?Fei-Fei Li, opinion contributor - 07/06/21 12:30 PM ET ... Rising:?April 25, 2023. by TheHill.com 04/25/23 11:21 AM ET.
June?1, 2022 ... Directors' Conversations are curated discussions between HAI Denning Co-Directors?Fei-Fei Li?and John Etchemendy ... 10:02AM - Apr 11,?2023.
Mon, Apr 03, 2023 @ 10:00 AM?-?11:00 AM. Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical ...?Fei-Fei Li, Prof. ... 5 year position in Washington?D.C.?(DOES NOT DEPLOY).
28?April 2023. yoga teacher ratnesh pandey ... How we teach computers to understand pictures |?Fei Fei Li?... Dr. Eric Berg?DC.
YouTube?·?yoga teacher ??ratnesh pandey?·?23 hours agoFront Matter | Protecting U.S. Technological Advantage
Washington,?DC: The National Academies Press. ...?FEI-FEI LI?(NAE/NAM), Stanford University ... Copyright ?2023?National Academy of Sciences.
Introducing our latest edition of Scale Zeitgeist:?2023?AI Readiness Report. Products ...?Fei Fei Li?profile picture. TransformX 2022.
Oct 30, 2019?—?On our first day, for example, we attended?Fei-Fei Li's?lecture on “Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society. ... WPRI 12.?April 24, 2023.
Feb 7, 2023?—?Publication date: 7 February?2023?... wrote?Fei-Fei Li, Google Cloud chief AI scientist, 'but avoid at ALL COSTS any mention or implication?...
April?18, 2019 ... and?Fei-Fei Li, a professor of computer science at Stanford who recently completed a sabbatical serving as a vice ... March 27,?2023.
Mar 19, 2021?—?In 2007,?Fei-Fei Li?of Stanford University in California and her colleagues decided to train computers to ... By Megan Sever?April?20,?2023.
Dec 9, 2022?—?... Computer scientist?Fei-Fei Li, Stanford University; Civil rights activist and math literacy pioneer Robert Moses, ...?Apr 26 2023.
Nov 21, 2012?—?...?Fei-Fei Li?created the world's largest visual database, ImageNet, ... February?2023?Edition of CNI's Pre-Recorded Project Briefing?...
Fei-Fei Li, Director of the Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab and Chief ... 9 Inspiring Women Data Scientists in?DC?... 17 – 20?April 2023.
Nov 1, 2022?—?Tuesday,?April?25,?2023?... Patrick Pichette, Egon Durban,?Fei-Fei Li?and Mimi Alemayehou will now no longer serve on the board.
Jul 20, 2021?—?Jia Deng, Wei Dong, Richard Socher, Li-Jia Li, Kai Li, and?Fei-Fei Li. 2009. ImageNet: A large-scale ... Copyright ??2023?ACM, Inc.
Oct 21, 2022?—?Among those attending are Stanford's?Fei-Fei Li, Intuit CEO Sasan Goodarzi, Landing. ...?April 26, 2023. BYAlexa Mikhail.Programme
TimeTitleAuthorsDay 3 (Fri), 10:45 ? 12:30Citizen?Centric Multiagent SystemsSebasti...Day 2 (Thu), 10:45 ? 12:30Energy?aware UAV Path Planning with Adaptive SpeedJonath...Day 1 (Wed), 10:45 ? 12:30Actions, Continuous Distributions and Meta?BeliefsVaisha...
May 8-9,?2023?· Sofitel Washington?DC?Lafayette Square ... The chairs of the Self Aware Learning workshop are?Fei-Fei Li?(Stanford University) and Thomas G.
Apr 14, 2022?—?... Stanford AI leader?Fei-Fei Li; computational biologist Pardis Sabeti; composer Paola Prestini; Maine CDC Director ...?April 27, 2023
... Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition -?Fei-Fei Li?and Andrej Karpathy (Stanford University); Computer Vision - Rob ...?2023?GitHub, Inc.
Feb 6, 2023?—?Fox Business; Jessica Melugin ? 02/06/2023?... Tiger Global and AI luminaries Geoffrey Hinton,?Fei-Fei Li?and Pieter Abbeel.
Aug 30, 2019?—?Fei-Fei Li, 43, of Stanford, has been the inaugural Sequoia Professor in the ...?April 2023?· March 2023 · February 2023 · January 2023?...
Fan-Guang Meng, Hao Li, Di-Gang Fan,?Fei-Fei Li, Feng-Zhi Xue, Ping Chen and Rui-Xin Wu ... Website ??2023?AIP Publishing LLC. Article copyright remains as?...
Feb 9, 2020?—?Fei-Fei Li:?Fei-Fei Li, is a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. ... Tanushree Shenwai -?April?22,?2023?...
This special issue belongs to the section "Molecular Biology". Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30?June 2023?| Viewed by 26271 ...?Fei-Fei Li.
Apr 21, 2020?—?Fei-Fei Li, Associate Professor CS Dept, Stanford ... RE?WORK Blog - AI & Deep Learning News ??2023?Latest Posts Facebook Twitter Ghost.
Radical Ventures secures investment from leaders?Fei-Fei Li?and Geoffrey Hinton among others ... THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD?2023. FT and 'Financial Times' are?...
Mar 27, 2019?—?Friday,?April?21,?2023?... “AI and its benefits have no borders,”?Fei-Fei Li, the Google executive then running the Beijing lab,?...
Events on?April?7 - May 6,?2023, powered by Localist Event Calendar Software. ... What We See and What We Value: AI With a Human Perspective Dr.?Fei-Fei Li?...
=======================we resume this newsletter :...
i joined father in trying to make sense in what neumann's scoop leads to at halftime 1984 as digital was blossoming as the greatest innovation ecosystem ever seen/visioned - here's the future history 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 .. we published on way out of orwell's big brother- actually we penned 2 years before steve jobs 1 2 famous ad
help HumansAI welcome -what's missing from 170 most co-creative human intel nets of world of 2020- right hand list is chatgpt and my first parse of untech envoy roundtables- we have some checking to do and then aim to add in location and actions where continuous help connecting guterres and millennials as sdgs and web3 gen - [email protected] - dedication we thank work from spring 80th birthday party Fazle Abed : Jim Kim, Jack Ma Houlin Zhao (ITU Geneva for 8 years) Ban ki-moon Kituyi (UNCTAD Geneva), Guterres for this 2016-2019 systems remapping /pretraining as well as Singapore's Yu Ping Chan and India's Amandep Gill (others please nominate)
princeton 1951, neumann asked dad to be his biographer after first briefing Norman on how badly future history had gone from 1865 (telegraph's start of worldwide communications corporations) and 1945- einstein and v neumsann grew up with the locus of world war 1 around them; until late 1920s they had tried to connect swiss and central euro peoples to intel needed to prevent woarld war 2; failed and relocated to princeton- so if thats how bad 80 years of connectivity git 1865-1945 - how good or bad could mediating connectivity get by 2025; of course most peoples did not have the good fortune to be first to experiment with this; indeed the bottom quarter of the pyramid in asia didnt have access to electricity grids and leaped straight to solar and web3,2,1 without any of the tele ages from 1999 to 1945 to 1865 - but covid's one opportunity is it closed us all down and so is it possible that we will unite
One thng that fascinates me is that the geneva twin of the UN has had the most intel on this since 1965 though admittedly it was only co-branded UN in 1945. IF you are happy to map everything the swiss saw since 1865 then you may decide that Gutteres has helped the world tremendously by demanding that every part of the un can see what the swiss have always had the chnace to see first. Have a look at these amaizng zooms he hosted in 2020 to discuss the future of intel - 50 govs participated- did yours?; about 40 corporates participated though some were changing from ngos - eg openai parent of chatgpt; about 40 branches of the un participated; another 50 ngos or civil societies but again watch closely which are turning to corporates
what had dad's diaries shown during hos first half of inviting journalistsd and reaers of the economisdt to ,ediate neumann's scoop
the firstde cade up to 1961 looked promiing - there were now 5 corridors where peopel had first chnacs at entrepreneurship with 100 times more tech - father was interested in teh far eastern one because navigation had given him google maps in his head 50 years before any other media expert - it was very good news that japan-lorea s - taiwan k=hk singapore had staretd to design hi=tech wiin-win trades and that borlaug alumni had shared how to end starvation with tehse countries intel they could share across asia's 60+% of beings
and it wass good news that the valley between the saintly twons of francis and clare was showing white latin and asian west coaster how to build beter stuff than winner tales all gold mining or gambling
and UNPrince was in middle of 2 ny coridors north through ibm, yeale what became dec and mit - hardware and software alleys so to speak; and south by south west space and neuman's 2 other great concerns arms and energy - both are ways to control and spill young blood unless elders learn to be smarter tha that damnable n-s central europe corridor lab for 2 world wars
and of course this left who did geneval reconnect with after world war 2 - digital tiwn of un at bit=rth but oddly disconnected from teh starnge 6 who began the eu at messina with dad the only media person collecting notes on intergenerational consequences
I am here to take any optimistic Q&A [email protected] - as for fake stuff I usually trash it but am dicussing how a crypto id club can design justice 2.0 - i am just a guy with a diploma in stats from uk's main maths lab of 1973- I prefer to let freinds understand lawyers unless they understand adam smith in which case we have some common sense to help celebrate recursively valuing womenkind
aftre a quarter of a century on von neumman's scop - fasther and xmas day Economist 1976 published Entrepreneurial Revolution - the end of left and right being sdeparated from centre - stranely the word entrepreneur had little visbility since its french 1800 origin until this sutrvey - after which every academic and his dog seems to have found a difefrent reserach lobbyist - it would be nice if any of them actually address ER and its questions of media responsibility let alone every reason why friedman was the most fame numeroligist americans heave even been unlucky enough to be ruled by - see last chapter of keynes general throuy to understand why every nations people need to guard against being ruled by a person who reduces humanity to a one dimensional number
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
1 年https://economistdiary.com https://economistgames.com https://www.mattridley.co.uk/blog/death-of-a-great-optimist/ lets celebrate un promoting humanity's 34 kindest-intel storytellers https://www.sdgmetaverseprize.org under and over 18 by each sdg made more urgent today-when it comes to ai nb 4 world states coop AIgood, = un sdg multipliers, blind , bad & from today pathetic- confident hinton like attenborough is honorable man but he didnt' voices deep expert concerns when first saw more exp risks than ops in what he was mediating: paid very well & lot of fame for 15 more years - ref bbc interview with g hinton today- cf 73 years interviews connected to von neumann's economics scoop https://neumann.ning.com -see eg 1984 report that 2020s = ai tech smarter capacity ( more switching per brain & unlimited number of clones first access to data @ every gps) than silo human expert brains - vision singularity; eg why viralise term social media - mobile devices could have advanced social trust by opposing every antisocial network since 2005; his passivity greenwashed most 8 billion peoples - and all millennials - whose ed3 needed community transparent ai along 73 years of privileged people exploring over 100 times mo(o)re tech/decade