What Else to Check Except for AC?
In the fast-paced world of agile development, they say meeting Acceptance Criteria to mark a user story as complete is enough. However, merely checking off a list doesn't justify the complexity beneath the surface.
Let's explore why more than just checking an AC is needed and why testers must adopt a more comprehensive approach.
?? Understanding Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance Criteria are predefined statements of behavior or functionality that a user story must fulfill. While they may seem straightforward, operating within the agile framework adds a layer of nuance, primarily in terms of scope. Unlike the rigid structures of waterfall methodologies, agile ACs are open to interpretation, leaving room for implicit asks that demand attention during testing.
?? Explicit, Implicit, Assumed, and Unknown
Consider a typical user story: "When a user is on the login page and logs in with a valid password, they will be taken to the home page."
The explicit requirements are clear – a login page, password validation, and a home page.
However, beneath the surface lie implicit, assumed, and unknown requirements that shape the true quality of the implemented feature.
Implicit Requirements:
? Users cannot log in with an invalid password.
? UI elements for login are present.
? Access to the home page is restricted without a valid password.
Assumed Requirements:
? Error messages for invalid passwords.
? User account existence and storage with a password.
? Multiple users having accounts.
? Password management (setting, changing, following security rules).
? Login speed requirements.
? Security measures (password hiding, automatic logout, secure web traffic).
? UI design specifications.
? Concurrent user load.
? Supported languages.
? Contingencies for service outages.
? Beyond the Checklist
Checking explicit requirements might give a false sense of completion. To truly validate the implementation, testers must embrace a holistic testing approach that explores implicit asks, challenges assumed requirements, and addresses the unknowns. This ensures a more robust understanding of the system's quality and functionality.
?? Handy Recommendations for Comprehensive Testing
1?? Actively seek out requirements that are not explicitly stated but are crucial for the system's functionality.
2?? Don't take assumed requirements at face value. Verify and validate each assumption to avoid overlooking critical aspects.
3?? Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify unknowns and set expectations for aspects that might impact the system's performance and usability.
4?? Test beyond the happy path. Explore scenarios that push the boundaries to uncover potential vulnerabilities.
5?? Embrace an iterative testing approach, continually revisiting ACs as the project evolves to ensure ongoing relevance.
?? By moving beyond a mere checklist mentality, you can get insights about the implemented features, contributing to a more resilient and high-quality end product. Remember, testing isn't just about confirming; it's about discovering the actual depth of what has been built.
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