What is elementary for our World View?
Martina Dre?elt
Bewusst Bewegt - (R)Urbane R?ume Zukunftsweisend Gestalten #transformativeresearch #communitymanagement #circulardesign
The laws of nature are elementary for our view of the world.
We get up in the morning, take a shower, use water, drink, quench our first thirst. The water on our body gives us energy for the day. So we step out and enter the earth. We enter it all the time, also in the shell in which we live, our living space. This one stands on earth, it′s on the elemental.
Digitalization, High-tech, Technological- and Knowledge Progress, State of Civilization - we are steps ahead or are we steps back?
Many of these questions occupy me as an architect, as a space producer, as a space planner, as a consciously thinking and curious person. Curiosity is decisive. Curiosity is the key to discovering something new and to rediscover something old. Every year, spring, summer, autumn and winter appear again, old familiar and once more a fascinating experience.
In the course of civilization, we have appropriated the world with design and spatial laws, which enable us to find our way in the complexity of our everyday lives and to develop us further. The results are urban and landscape structures caused by technological- and design intervention.
Current transformation processes lead to structural change.
Digitalization is replacing industrialization and bringing about new concepts and paradigm shifts. New phenomena such as Planetary Urbanization, Counterurbanization, Urban Farming lead to new components of our designed world. Ultimately, it leads to new socio-spatial and economic structures and to new patterns of thought. In the context of climate change and the sustainable development goals, mankind is facing the question what secures our survival and human progress.
But how exactly do we think, what is elementary and decisive for our decision-making processes? How aware are we of the elementary components of nature while we are planning our surrounding? What world view leads us into the future?
What do you think?