What if Education is our last chance

What if Education is our last chance

EconomistWomen.com & EconomistDiary.com - november featured a lot of climate last chance innovators (1 2 3); the whole of 2020s covid decade demands we attend to affordable health uniting our human race's values; january updates world economics last chancers (Davos following Singapore New Eco Bloomers with 5.6 Zoom me up Scotty), but for the holidays month of December what if education is our last chance - here are 3 outstanding summits :

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Wise Qatar - free virtual as well as real Dec 9-12

X Rewired2021 Dubai Dec 15-17 with USAE 6 month expo handover Japan expo 2025

Y Yidan prize Hong Kong Dec 5 will visit hemispheres with quarterly updates and continuing parnership search made by stanford entrepreneur in residence

Here is a twitter list with some education all stars - below index to known appearances (mal [email protected] to add) . With Economistwomen.com we use the 30 collaboration codes that Fazle Abed (first wise laureate , co-founding Yidan Luminary) launched around Asian partnering universities 2001 in case 2020s graduates became the human race's last chance sustainability networkers -these include 6 education-partners codes 4.1 lifetime skills 4.5 early childhood (see also US next door 400 billion investment in school for every 3 to 5 year old) 4.2 primary 4.3 secondary last-mile apprenticeships 4.4 national university (5.4 graduates of 100 asian university sdg collab) 4.6 Luminaries of education not economics generates future of life


since december's yidan prize starts a years review of interests linking in the new laureates -it seems useful to spot connections new and old yidan is linking in to hong kong and education's future everywhere

This December, we’re welcoming our 2021 laureates and shining a spotlight on their work. And we’re inviting fellow education leaders to discuss the most pressing issues in education.

Creating connections across the global education community is one of the things we’re most proud of. We know it sparks new ideas and moves projects forward, and we can’t wait to see what follows our discussions.

Hear from our laureates and expert guests on the big issues in education

Our 2021 education research laureate,?Professor Eric A. Hanushek, draws on his wealth of influential research in our panel on putting effective policy into action today. While?Dr Rukmini Banerji, our 2021 education development laureate, brings decades of work closing learning gaps in India to our panel on child-centered learning.

Speakers from the worlds of academia, policy, and philanthropy also join us for sessions on creating a better future through education and the power of learning through play at the Summit.

Register now to join us


2:30–2:35pm – Opening

2:35–2:40pm – Welcome remarks?

  • Dr Charles CHEN Yidan, Founder, Yidan Prize

2:40–3:30pm – Panel 1: Putting Effective Education Policy into Action Today?

  • Professor Eric A. Hanushek, 2021 Yidan Prize for Education Research Laureate, and Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution of Stanford University
  • Dr Jaime Saavedra, Senior Director, Education Global Practice, World Bank Group
  • Professor Ludger Woessmann, Professor of Economics, University of Munich, and Director, ifo Center for the Economics of Education
  • Moderated by?Ms Barbara Bruns, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, and Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Global Development

In conversation with:

  • The Hon. Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBM, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council, HKSAR

3:30–3:40pm – Break

3:40–4:30pm – Panel 2: Placing Children at the Heart of Teaching and Learning?

  • Dr Rukmini Banerji, 2021 Yidan Prize for Education Development Laureate, and CEO, Pratham Education Foundation
  • Professor Abhijit Banerjee, 2019 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, and Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Professor Esther Duflo, 2019 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, and Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Moderated by?Mr Ronnie C. Chan, Co-Founder and Chair, Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society, and Chair, Hang Lung Properties Limited

4:30–5:25pm – Panel 3: Creating Better Futures through Education?

Mr Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities & Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, and Co-Chair, Council, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), @UNSDSN mobilizes knowledge institutions on key challenges of #SDG implementation for achieving #Agenda2030 in #HongKong and beyond. Hong Kongsdsn-hk.org/en/

  • Mr Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD
  • Dr Sobhi?Tawil, Director, Future of Learning and Innovation, UNESCO
  • Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Co-Chair, Council, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Hong Kong Chapter
  • Moderated by?Dr Christopher Thomas, Director of Partnerships, Yidan Prize Foundation

5:25–5:35pm – Break

5:35–6:25pm – Panel 4: Learning through Play: Global and China Perspectives?

  • Professor Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Stanley and Deborah Lefkowitz Professor of Psychology, Temple University, and Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
  • Dr Junjie Shang, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Peking University
  • Professor Yang Rui, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
  • Dr Bo Stjerne Thomsen, Chair of Learning through Play, and Vice-President, The LEGO Foundation
  • Moderated by?Dr Zhaoli Meng, Research Advisor, Chen Yidan Foundation

6:25–6:30pm – Closing remarks?

  • Professor Cheng Kai-ming, Convenor, Advisory Committee, Yidan Prize Foundation

Abed's son Shameran represents Fazle Abed as Y-luminary overall finance sustainability of brac women empowerment main 30 Collab platforms - catalogued by fans EconomistWomen.com ; main twitter hub of 50 school playschool nationns is brac-ied

Seldon Wise 4.4 uk vice chancellors view of how ai chnages whole edu system

Ms Kayembe Wise 4.4 scotland rector of university of edinburgh, director scottish refugee council


Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章

