What on Earth is going on in the Heavens?
Meg Walker (Karmic Astrologer)
Astrologer and Author of Astrology Books - and more
Mercury begins its third retrograde period of the year on 10th September, lasting until 2nd October 2022. When viewed from Earth, planets sometimes appear to stop and go backwards, which is called “retrograde”. This is an optical illusion, but because retrogrades are different from the norm, they are often seen as bad, negative, disruptive, weak and debilitated. Key words associated with Mercury are movement, communication, analysis, written and spoken language, telephones, newspapers, traffic, transport, travel. So, Mercury retrogrades have a reputation for causing communication problems, difficulties with technology (cars, ‘phones, computers); disruption to travel plans and an inability to think straight or make logical decisions. In today’s world, we rely on constant communication and technology, so this retrograde has the potential to be a very annoying time. It doesn’t have to be a total catastrophe, as long as we take time to reflect and think things through carefully before making important decisions, making travel plans, taking action or signing contracts.
There is a Full Moon on the same day that Mercury retrograde begins – plus - during this period, many other planets are also retrograde.
The Full Moon on the 10th September 2022 falls at 17 degrees of the sensitive, dreamy, psychic and spiritual sign of Pisces. Pisces is a sensitive Water sign, so our emotions and psychic abilities will be heightened. We will be using our intuition, imagination and creativity to look within and to become more in tune with our deepest feelings. Pisces is also a Mutable sign, meaning we will need to be flexible and open to any changes. Ruled by Neptune, a planet concerned with deception and illusion, (and currently in retrograde transit through Pisces), we may experience the bright light of this Full Moon illuminating dark emotions within ourselves, and dark affairs in the world around. We seek freedom and positive changes, but there may also be some inner tension that drains our energy. This is because the Full Moon occurs when the positive, encouraging Sun is at 17 degrees of Virgo, directly opposite the emotional Moon, creating some conflict and stress. Look at your own birth chart to see in which house this Full Moon falls. This is the area of your life that will be most affected.
Jupiter is retrograde in Aries from 29th July 2022 until 24th November, when it turns direct again, by which time it is in Pisces (28th October to 21st December 2022). It moves direct from 24th November, then moves into Aries again from 21st December. Jupiter was the ruler of Pisces until 1846, when Neptune was discovered and took over this rulership. Some astrologers still view both of these planets as sharing the rulership of Pisces. Jupiter is normally a beneficial planet, bringing good luck, fortune, money, happiness and expanded consciousness. During this retrograde there will be changes in society, in the environment, in politics and in the economy. We will probably feel our spiritual progress has stopped, or even reversed. The energy of Pisces encourages us to spend time in nature: quiet, alone, using solitude to pause, review and adjust our plans for the future.
Saturn retrogrades in Aquarius from 5th June until 23rd October 2022, bringing a time for rest, relaxation and solitude. We will go deep within ourselves to reflect and analyse our ideas; deciding what is essential for a comfortable future and re-defining our boundaries. We will review, question and re-adjust our life styles. We will be patient as Saturn limits and slows the progress of any new projects we have planned. This may be a time of depression and lack of energy as we let go of that which no longer serves us well and change some of our long-standing beliefs, but we will emerge from this period stronger and with greater self-discipline and determination to succeed.
Uranus retrogrades once a year for about 155 days, bringing negativity, sudden shocks and unexpected changes. Uranus retrogrades in Taurus from 25th August 2022 until 23rd January 2023.?Taurus is a fixed Earth sign that is concerned with physical, material things, such as money, nature, the environment and anything to do with the Earth. Uranus is renowned for creating chaos and upheaval, so we can expect to see some quite serious changes during this transit: for example, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or other disruptions to the Earth. It is unpredictable, unexpectedly shaking things up and bringing revolution as it seeks more freedom. Taurus is also concerned with money and business matters, so we may experience big changes in banking systems and will be learning new approaches to money and material possessions.?Uranus breaks things down before a breakthrough brings new, innovative and progressive ideas, especially in business, banking and our changing sense of values. Uranus brings chaos and confusion; it breaks the rules and destroys the usual patterns and structures. It urges us to seek more personal freedom, perhaps by through disruption, riots and rebellion.
Each planet has two types of energy. Uranus has a challenging, confusing and chaotic side, but it is not all bad. Positive words associated with this planet are resourceful, creative, innovative, curious, excited and adventurous. If we want to change our lives for the better, those changes must begin on the inside. When this planet’s energies are turned inwards, we reflect on the past, analysing our actions and behaviours, and carefully asking ourselves what sort of freedom we want for the future. As unconscious beliefs come to the surface to be recognized and dealt with, we find ourselves experiencing wonderful new opportunities for changes and spiritual growth. Old energy is healed and removed to make room for increased awareness and heightened intuition. Uranus is, above all the chaos and revolution, the planet of illumination, enlightenment and humanitarian pursuits.
Neptune began its yearly retrograde period on June 28th, ending on 4th December 2022. Being an outer planet, this retrograde isn’t very significant, as Neptune only moves 3 degrees, from 25 to 22 degrees of Pisces. Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, is concerned with our dreams, fantasies, illusions and possible deceptions, causing us to feel we are trying to walk through thick fog. So, when it is retrograde, these feelings are reversed, allowing us the opportunity to see more clearly and to move forward into manifesting our intentions. This is a great time for us to look within, re-view what we previously saw as problems, and to take up some new ideas that will assist our spiritual development.
?Every year, Pluto appears to be retrograde for 5 months, usually bringing a personal review of control and power issues. Are we being manipulated and/or controlled by others? This is the time to let those people go. Or perhaps WE have been the ones trying to manipulate or control; in which case we will need to review our behaviour. Either way, we must now take our power back! Our personal, spiritual growth depends on taking responsibility for our lives.?As a slow-moving, outer planet, Pluto’s retrograde is not as strong as that of an inner planet, such as Mercury.
Pluto began its 2022 retrograde period on 2nd May, when it was at 28 degrees of Capricorn. This will last until 9th October, during which time Pluto will have moved back to 26 Degrees of Capricorn. It moves very slowly, taking 248 years to travel through the zodiac, thereby remaining in the same sign for whole generations. Pluto moved into the Earth sign of Capricorn from 27th November 2008 and remains there until 2024. In this Cardinal Earth sign, Pluto encourages greater efficiency, self-discipline, perseverance, steadfastness and will be concerned with karma, structure, transformation and evolution. It will show where the wounds and traumas are in the structure of society.
Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and its natural home is in the 8th house. This planet brings transformation and change through the processes of birth, death, rebirth, regeneration and painful experiences, by destroying, renewing and uncovering that which has been hidden, (being known as The Lord of the Underworld). On a personal level, any deep, intense emotional losses may be followed by exciting, new, creative processes. Frequently, it is necessary to let something go, allowing things to come to an end, in order for progress to occur.
Chiron is in Aries until 2027: the first sign of the zodiac, concerned with new beginnings, energy and enthusiasm. Chiron spends 5 months in retrograde each year, and this is from 20th July until 24th December 2022. Instead of looking outwards to resolve your wounds, you will be turning towards reflection and inner work. Aries wants to move quickly, but slowing down and healing your wounds in a steady manner will bring the best results. This is a time for taking care of yourself, letting go of whatever is no longer serving your soul’s purpose.
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