What is E-Signature?
Have you ever stuck in the situation like, you have to sign a very important document urgently but because of some reasons document is not available physically at your place? That’s where “E-Signatures” comes for your help! You can sign from anywhere any time if you use e-signatures. There are certain types of e-signatures which you can use to sign your documents which are most secured and accepted all over India.
Types of eSignatures
Digital Signatures certificates:
It is a digital certificate issued by a licensed Certifying Authorities (CA’s) of India. Digital Signature Certificates issued by Certifying Authorities are divided in classes according to their uses. We required Class 3 Individual or Organization sign Digital Signature Certificate to sign documents. These digital Signature Certificate comes with highly secured cryptographic USB Token like Hyp2003, WD proxkey etc. You can read our other blog where we have explained in detail about signing PDF Documents with Digital signature USB Token.
Biometric/Aadhar Based E-Signatures:
A licensed Certifying Authorities can generate e-signature of any person who have Aadhar card in INDIA using his/her data stored in UIDAI(Unique Identification Authority of India). We can generate Aadhar E-Sign by using trusted biometric devices or by OTP process. If we use biometric method user should have trusted biometric devices like Mantra, Morpho, Startek etc. Or user can generate a OTP to his registered mobile number/Email ID to generate Aadhar esign. It is most trusted & secured way to generate esign, because here esign is generating directly using UIDAI data. Hence, it is accepted all over INDIA.
Simple Electronic Signatures:
It includes simple scanned images of your handwritten signatures. You can easily scan and save image of your handwritten signature and apply it any document online. You can visit our website signsecure.in if you don’t have any facility to add your handwritten signature on your documents. There are various options which you can use to sign your documents.
Importance of eSignatures
In this blog we are going to learn how e-sign evolved, how they work, their benefits, legal acceptance and what is the future of e-sign.
Evolution of Signatures
Legal Recognition
Electronic signatures are legally recognized in India and are provided for in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“ITA”), the Indian Contract Act of 1872 (“ICA”) and the Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015 (“ESEATPR”). Also trusted in USA with laws like ESIGN Act and eIDAS in the EU.
How E-Sign Works ?
Benefits of eSignatures
Myths about eSignatures
Legal framework & Compliance
Future Of eSignatures
Overall, the future of eSignatures appears to be one of continued growth, innovation, and integration into our increasingly digital world.
Challenges and Limitations
Tech Hurdles
Sometimes it is little tricky to integrate eSignature services with your existing systems like ERP, CRM, Websites or Web Application. But we can help you to easily integrate eSignature services with your existing software with extreme ease. Contact us for more details.
Resistance to Change
People can be resistant to new technologies. Effective change management and showcasing the benefits can help overcome this.
Fraud and Tampering Concerns
Ongoing advancements in security technology are vital to addressing these issues.
Key Takeaways
eSignatures are a modern solution to signing documents, offering efficiency, security, and environmental benefits. As digital transformation continues, eSignatures will play a key role in innovation and operational excellence The future of document signing is digital, and eSignatures are leading the way. Embracing this technology is essential for staying competitive in our digital world.